African Fusion August 2016
August 2016
FEATURES 4 Nuclear and railway fabrication: the French way SAIW executive director Sean Blake shares experi- ences of his visit to France, where he toured the Chalon Saint-Marcel manufacturing plant of Areva Heavy Equipment before visiting Alstom Transport in Le Creusot. 6 SPE takes on railway fabrication opportunities African Fusion visits the Roodepoort facilities of Stainless Precision Engineering (SPE) and talks to Reginald Diedericks about the company’s ISO 3834 quality accreditation and its EN 15085 and railway aspirations. 16 Repair welding of carbon steel pipe that has ex- perienced partial graphitisation during elevated temperature service In this paper, presented at the 69 th IIWAnnual Assem- bly and Conference in Melbourne during July, PGH Pistorius and KJ Kruger report on an investigation into the graphitisation effects of plain carbon steels that have been in high temperature service for many years. 20 Rapid-X welding process technology New Rapid-X TM welding process technology from Lincoln Electric has been shown to improve welding productivity for stainless steel process pipe, increas- ing welding speed by 15%while reducing heat input by 20%. 22 Welding skills development for job creation Afrox, in partnership with non-profit upliftment or- ganisations, POPUP, has established and equipped a 12-bay welding school at the new Sipho Nkozi Community House Building Training Centre in Sos- hanguve. African Fusion talks to Johan Pieterse. 24 Modern tank farm construction using EGW and AGW processes African Fusion talks to Jannie Bronkhorst of Renttech about tank farmconstruction usingmechanised sub- merged arc, automatic girth and electrogas welding processes. 28 ESAB’s new Rebel and other innovations ESAB South Africa will be launching its new Rebel™ multi-process welding machine into southern Africa at Electra Mining Africa next month. African Fusion talks to Kim Brightwell. 31 New compact ID robot improves accessibility and precision African Fusion talks to ABB South Africa’s robotics business unit manager, Ragnar Tonnessen about the new IRB 1660ID, a highperformancemid-range robot ideally suited to arc welding. REGULARS 3 Sean’s comment 9 SAIW bulletin board 12 Front cover story: Efficient welding repairs in the cement industry 33 Welding and cutting forum 36 Today’s technology: High speed robotic spot welding
Published four times a year and mailed out together with Mechanical Technology by: Crown Publications cc Crown House Cnr Theunis and Sovereign Streets Bedford Gardens 2007 PO Box 140
Bedfordview 2008 Tel: (011) 622 4770 Fax: (011) 615 6108
Editor: Peter Middleton E-mail: Advertising: Norman Welthagen E-mail: Publisher: Karen Grant Deputy publisher: Wilhelm du Plessis Cover design: Afrox Production & layout: Darryl James Circulation: Karen Smith Subscriptions: Wendy Charles Printed by: Tandym Print
This article by Jürgen Tucht- feld, Thomas Assiomand Issam Chiguer of voestalpine Böhler Welding, UTP Maintenance, describes welding applica- tions for the cement industry, where hardfacing applications of highly stressed components as well as repair welding of broken parts are part of the daily routine.
August 2016
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