African Fusion August 2016
Cellulosic Electrodes (E6010, E6011) or all other Electrodes (E70XX, E308, E309, E316). To further fine-tune performance, the Rebel features adjustable arc force and hot-start control. With TIG as well as MIG welding, users can select either 2T/4T trigger con- trol; 2T for standard operation and 4T to provide a hold function that reduces hand fatigue. Other ESAB Innovations on show Also on the machine side, says Bright- well, ESAB will be featuring its full- featured high-end Aristo equipment range. “Wewill have anABB robot on the stand fittedwith ESAB’s AristoMIG 5000i power source, a Robofeedwire feeder, an AristoRT robotic torch and aMara- thon pack of Aristo-rod MIG wire – all connected to the robot,” he reveals. “We have interfaces to
kits (3.0 m), a 4.5 m gas hose with quick connection to the machine, a 200 mm spool of 0.8 mm Aristorod 12.50 wire, as well as contact tips and drive rolls for wires between 0.6 and 1.0 mm wire. “The Rebel EMP 215ic offers out- standing all-process arc performance because ESAB has enhanced the control algorithms from our industrial systems such as the Warrior™ and Aristo®, gath- ered input from real world welders and then incorporated that knowledge into the Rebel design,” Brightwell says. With the Rebel’s smart MIG (sMIG) function, users begin MIG welding
by setting metal thickness and selecting the wire diameter. The Rebel will automatically adapt to any popular steel, stainless, chrome-moly or aluminium filler metal/gas combination and provide a stable MIG arc. The sMIG mode enables users toweld thicker or thinner metal by increasing or decreasing wire feed speed, as well as to raise or flatten the bead profile (crown) by increas- ing or decreasing the voltage (trim). Welders can also adjust
Above: QA technician, Steven Soobramoney welding test plates for approvals at ESAB’s new home with Howden Africa in Booysens. Left: ESAB’s Pug tractor is ideal for mechanising gas or plasma cutting. world. These are fully tested to Sasol specs and are vacuumpacked. Also, because the electrode contains some metal powder in the flux, the electrode delivers 125%weldmetal recovery per kg of core wire – one of the highest efficiencies and a market differentiator for us,” he adds. Also to be featured are ESAB’s new range of Victor gas equipment, regula- tors and cutting torches manufactured to high-end standards. Flash back ar- restors and ESAB’s Cut Master range of hand held plasma cuttingmachines will also feature. “The Cut Master range of com- pressed air-based plasma cutters goes from40 to 120 A, but we can also supply systems with CNC cutting tables, such as the ESAB Crossbow, a small cost ef- fective CNC cutting system,” Brightwell informs African Fusion , before adding “We will also have our little Pug tractor on the stand, which is ideal for mecha- nising gas cutting. “Following recent changes of our import and distribution partners in South Africa, we are settling down nicely in our new home with Howden Africa. We are starting to grow again and we see good opportunities, particularly in the construction and infrastructure de- velopment fields north of our borders,” Brightwell concludes.
inductance to fine tune arc stability and control spatter. As users adjust one parameter, sMIG automatically adjusts others to keep the MIG arc stable. Using an exclusive, built-in algo- rithm, sMIG monitors the operator’s technique and continuously adapts the MIG output to provide a stable arc and superior, repeatable welds. The Rebel enables experiencedwelders tobecome more productive and novice welders to start producing quality welds in less time. “The sMIG feature takes away the doubt of weldingwith incorrect settings and so users can focus on good welding torch technique. The machine gives us- ers confidence to weld anywhere with a ready-to-weld package,” he adds. For those welders who prefer tra- ditional MIG and flux-cored welding, the Rebel enables users to pre-set and adjust wire feed speed and voltage, as well as set run-in (creep start) speed, adjust burn-back control and program timers for spot and stitchwelding. When welding, the control shifts to display amperage and voltage. Because different types of MMA electrodes require different controls, the Rebel lets users optimise performance by selecting from one of two settings:
allow us to connect ESAB weld-
ing equipment to almost any robot brand, but because of the longstanding co-operation between ESAB and ABB, which both have Swedish connections, a lot of ABB robots are supplied with ESABwelding equipment,” he tell African Fusion . ESAB consumables continue to do well in southern Africa. “75% of our lo- cal sales are consumables, led by our OK AristoRod 12.50 advanced surface characteristics (ASC) solid wire, which undergoes a unique surface treatment process instead of being copper coated. This leads to excellent starting proper- ties; trouble-free feeding at high wire speeds and lengthy feed distances; a very stable arc at highwelding currents; extremely low levels of spatter; lowfume emission; reduced contact tip wear and improved protection against corrosion of the wire,” Brightwell explains. ESAB SMAW electrodes, such as the XcelArc E6013 general purpose elec- trodes also do well, “but our OK range of low-hydrogen electrodes, such as the OK55.00 LH, are among the best in the
August 2016
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