African Fusion August 2016
Welding and cutting
Renttech South Africa at Electra Mining
T ime is money and waiting for pipe joints to be purged for welding can take anything up to four hours, depending on the diameter of the pipe being welding and the method chosen for purging. Huntingdon Fusion Techniques, HFT®’s innovative QuickPurge® System dramatically reduceswaiting times, pro- ducing zero discolour welds and no loss T he 12 th September heralds the start of ElectraMining 2016 and Renttech South Africa will be exhibiting as they have done for many years. The company’s managing director, Gerrit van Zyl (right) explains: “Electra Mining provides us with an excellent platform to showcase our company’s full welding, power generation, lifting and rigging product ranges to our min- ing and manufacturing customers. It is alsoan important opportunity toengage with our valued client base, both from South Africa and the rest of the conti- nent,” he says. Offering both sales and rental op- tions, Renttech is an equipment supplier to the engineering, industrial, construc- tion, petrochemical, power generation and a variety of other sectors across SouthAfricaand sub-SaharanAfrica. The company has the largest fleet of rental welding equipment in southern Africa, including: Harris, Lincoln andRenttech’s own UniArc and MultiArc welding and metalworking product ranges. When it comes to tools used in braz- ing, soldering, welding and cutting ap- plications,welders theworldover relyon the quality of equipment fromtheHarris Products Group. Equally synonymous
with quality, Lincoln Electric is a global manufacturer with an extensive range of high-qualitywelding, cutting and joining products, arcwelding equipment, weld- ing consumables, plasma and oxy-fuel cutting equipment and robotic welding systems. Renttech South Africa also has sev- eral of its own welding solutions, which “tick all the operational and energy efficiency boxes”, according to Johan Bester, Renttech’s welding product manager. “For example, the Multiarc 350 Compact multi-process inverter is a robust, lightweight unit that offers customers an easy transition between multiple welding processes, bringing new levels of versatility to the end-user, as well as cost-saving advantages,” he explains. “In addition, Renttech’s UniArc Mag200 MC is a multi-process inverter which is especially versatile, offering not only gasless flux-core welding but also able to be used in MIG welding, stickwelding and TIGwelding,” he adds. Visitors to the Renttech stand will also be able to inspect the company’s versatile twin-pack welder-generator – equipped with two 300 A/400 A weld- ing units, a 30 kVA, three-phase 50 Hz
power output and two 6.0 kVA/230 V power outlets – which can also be used for grinding, drilling and lighting. In ad- dition, the twin-packmodel has a single 30 kVA/380 V power outlet that meets OHSA specifications. “We are going to have a strong team on the Renttech stand, where every staffmember has high levels of product knowledge and experience. While stand space does not allowus to conduct dem- onstrations at the show this year, should anyone wish to see and experience our products in action, we will be delighted to arrange for a demonstration at their facilities,” van Zyl advises.
Welding pipes faster using QuickPurge systems of corrosion resistance caused by high temperature oxidation during welding. Ron Sewell, chairman for HFT says:
“A 36-inch diameter stainless steel pipe, for example, can be purged down to 100 ppmof oxygen in under 32minutes. Compare this with purging using foam dams that will outgas heavily into the weld zone and will take hours, not a few minutes,” he says.
Robert Richardson appointed MD of Air Products South Africa A ir Products South Africa’s Board of Directors has announced the appointment of Robert Richardson as the company’s new managing director. Richardson succeeds Mike Hellyar who recently announced his retirement after nine years at the helm of the industrial gas company. Richardson has an MSc degree in engineering, and over two decades of experience in the industrial gases industry. He has
High speed pipe purging system QuickPurge® is leading the way in the field of purging tube, pipe and pipeline joints in over 6-inch diameter pipe, where oxygen levels are required to be as low as 10 ppm or less. Using IntaCal® combined with QuickPurge Systems are manufactured for pipe diameters from 150 to 2 440 mm and are equipped with a QuickFit coupling for the purge/inflation hose.
served on Air Products South Africa’s executivemanagement committee for the last eight years in the position of general manager On-Sites. Prior to this, he held various operations and project management positions within Air Products and also with the Linde Group. Richardson is the 4 th MD to be appointed in Air Products South Africa’s 47-year history.
August 2016
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