African Fusion August 2017
Zirconium-steel cladding
Layer Method Weld metal Wire Current (A) Voltage (V) Speed Gas flow (ℓ/min)
∅ 2.4
120 ∼ 160
11 ∼ 13
8 ∼ 15 Main 8 ∼ 12; Side 30 ∼ 50; Back 3 ∼ 5
Long & circ welds on backing plate & comp layer Long & circ welds on root cover and composite passes Long weld on the zirconium cylinder Connecting pipe backing & comp layer backing ring -
∅ 2.4
110 ∼ 150
11 ∼ 13
8 ∼ 15 Main 8 ∼ 12;
Side 30 ∼ 50; Back 3 ∼ 5
∅ 3.2 140 ∼ 180
11 ∼ 13 26 ∼ 28
8 ∼ 15
cover GTAW
∅ 1.2
150 ∼ 160
20 ∼ 22 Ionic gas 8; Tail
30 ∼ 50; Back 25 ∼ 45;
∅ 2.4
110 ∼ 150 11 ∼ 13
8 ∼ 15 Main 8 ∼ 12;
Side 30 ∼ 50; Back 2 ∼ 3
∅ 3.2 140 ∼ 180
11 ∼ 13 11 ∼ 13
8 ∼ 15
cover GTAW
∅ 2.0
90 ∼ 120
8 ∼ 15 Main 10 ∼ 15
Steel & zirconium
Table 3. Welding parameters for zirconium composite layer, cover plate, connecting pipe and cylinder on the reactor.
groove is machined into the backing plate so that the reinforcement of weld- ing between the backing plate and the composite layer is small. This can also ensure welding penetration of 2.0 mm according to the design requirements. For thewelding between cover plate and composite layer, there is always misalignment in the longitudinal and circumferential welding seam in the cylinder. Hence the gap between the welding seamof the cover plate and the composite layer is different. When the pair of cover plates is mounted, the gap should be even and as small as possible. Two welding passes are performed, in which the arc ignition and arc blow out locations are staggered. The first welding pass is performed using aweld- ing wire of ∅ 2.4 mm. A small amount of fillerwire, whichassures the full penetra- tion of weld leg, is used. The second welding pass is per- formedusingaweldingwireof ∅ 3.2mm. The weld fill is normally finished when the size of the weld leg is big enough. Figure5 shows thewelder is operatingon the cover plate and composite layer and the forming quality of the weld. It is worth noting that the high- purity argon in the leak detection pipe can replace the air at the back of weld- ment to prevent contamination. While
shield the weld joint using purging de- vices. Pure argon (99.99%) is used in the high temperature zone (≥400 °C) of the weld joint and the weld seam is rapidly cooled. The impure elements, especially carbon, can greatly affect the corrosion resistance of theweld seam. When there is a small amount of carbon (>0.05%), the corrosion resistance will be drasti- cally reduced. Therefore, it is necessary to clean the oil and other contaminants on the surface of the welding part, to prevent contamination [4]. The welding parameters for the zirconium composite layer, cover plate, connecting pipe and cylinder on the reactor are shown in Table 3. The weld- ing quality of the zirconium composite layer is related to the long-termsafe op- eration of the equipment. The welding processes are introduced as per Table 3. While welding between the back- ing plate and composite layer, welding gaps should be as even as possible and must be between 1.0 and 2.0 mm. If it is smaller than 1.0 mm, it cannot guarantee the design requirements of thewelding depth of 2.0mm. Otherwise the base metal will melt and cause hot cracking in theweld seam. If it is difficult to control thewelding gap precisely, it is better to let the welding gap be as small as possible. Meanwhile, a 1.0 mm ×45°
The welding bevels for connecting pipes on the cylinder are machined using floor type boring and milling machine. The root pass is finished by manual GTAW with subsequent passes being completed using SMAW. The pro- cess is not complex. After welding of the base layer, X-ray and ultrasonic inspec- tion are performed on thewelding joint. The entire weldment is then transferred into the furnace for heat treatment. The high temperature during heat treatment reduces the peel strength of the composite plate and the surface of the composite layer gets over-oxidised. With thedesignand related specification being required, the holding temperature should be low and the holding time should be as short as possible. Also, the inner shouldbe cleanedbe- fore the heat treatment, and at least two layers of titanium-based high tempera- ture coating are necessary on the inner wall. The heat treatment specification for the reactor is 580 °C for three hours. Welding of composite layer The inner composite layer is commonly made of ZR 700, R60700, while the back- ingplateandcover plateare stillmadeof R60702. ComparedwithR60702, R60700 has the similar welding ability and cor- rosion resistance but the oxygen content and the strength are slightly lower. It can be directly explosion welded with lowcarbon steel. The titanium is usually added as the interlayer between R60702 and carbon steel to produce the zirconi- um-steel composite plate [3]. Zirconium is very active at high temperature and a series of brittle intermetallic compounds will form in the welded joint due to air absorption, especially due to oxygen. The welded joint will be embrittled. The corrosion resistance and the machiningproperty canalsobeaffected. Therefore, in order to prevent gas pol- lution during welding, it is necessary to
Figure 5. The welding and formation quality of the longitudinal welding seam.
August 2017
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