African Fusion August 2018

SAIW: Sean's comment

SAIW and SAIW Certification

SAIW Governing Board President: Morris Maroga – Eskom S Blake – SAIW L Breckenridge – CEA G Joubert – SAISI A Koursaris – Metforensics DJ Olivier – Olivier Survey Group A Paterson – University of the Witwatersrand T Rice – Personal member J Tarboton – SASSDA JR Williamson – Wilconsult J Zinyana – New Age Welding Solutions SAIW Certification Governing Board Chairperson: G Joubert – ArcelorMittal B Beetge – Sentinel Inspection Services P Bruwer – Sasol Synfuels F Buys – TUV S Blake – SAIW G Buitenbos – Steinmüller G Joubert – SAISI A Koursaris – Metforensics D Olivier – Olivier Survey Group H Potgieter – SAIW Certification P Pistorius – University of Pretoria R Williamson – Wilconsult J Zinyana – New Age Welding Solutions M Maroga – Eskom S Moodley – SAPREF

O ur SAIW Annual Dinner on September 7 is a very special one because we will be celebrating our 70 th Anniversary. The symbol for a 70-yearmarriage is platinum, which is a particularly appropriate representa- tion of the durability and national value of the SAIW.

Back in 1948 when the SAIW was established by Afrox’s Harvey Shacklock, whowouldhavebelieved that this small non-profit Institute would become the leading welding organisation on the African Con- tinent: a founder member of the IIW; the Continent’s most respected training facility for welding related personnel; and its champion of welding quality standards and certification. The key to remaining successful for this length of time, I believe, is twofold. Firstwehavealways strived tobe relevant to thewelding indus- try at large. The SAIW serves industry and it can only do so successfully by using the skills and experience of members from industry. All of our training courses and examinations, for example, have been developed on behalf of and using input fromwelding specialists actively involved in thewelding industry, specialistswho knowwhat is requiredof young graduates for them to have long and successful careers. Second is our obsessionwith excellence and continuous improve- ment. Thewelding industry has changed significantly since the SAIW’s establishment in 1948 as a voluntary industry association. Then in 1977, Phil Santilhano joined as the Institute’s technical director to offer technical support to members. In response to our industry’s increasing needs for personnel, the SAIW developed and began to run training courses in the early 80s. In the early 2000s, we began to offer IIW qualifications and in 2003 we became an Authorised National Body (ANB) of the IIW. Our relation- ship with the IIWhas gone from strength to strength and today we run the IIWWelding Inspection programmes, with graduates receiving IIW diplomas that are valid internationally. And we continue to improve our training offerings: with the intro- duction of modern NDT techniques such as phased array UT, eddy- current testing and digital radiography, for example. The SAIW is now accredited by the Quality Council for Trades and Occupations (QCTO) as per the recently introduced South African Na- tional ArtisanWelder programme. Inpartnershipwith ArcelorMittal, we are now introducing the SAIW QCTO Artisan Training for a group of 15 apprenticeswhowill be funded fromthe SAIWFoundationProgramme. The QCTO programme is alignedwith the IIW International Welder, andgraduates fromtheSAIWFoundationwill receive internationally rec- ognised IIWqualifications on topof their National ArtisanQualification. We are also in the process of establishing our Future Welder Train- ing Centre, which will focus on advanced and automated welding processes, which are becoming increasingly important in industry. Welding has long been a process governed by welding codes, but the international welding industry has been on a path of increasing professionalism, driven by the development and implementation of ISO quality systems and standards. Most notable for us is the ISO 3834 standard for fusion welding of metallic materials. We are particularly proud to have introduced this standard into South Africa along with the associated SAIW Welding Fabricator Cer- tification Scheme. To date, SAIW Certification has certified over 160 welding companies in South Africa against ISO 3834. In recognition of the importance of ISO 3834, we have introduced two additional awards, whichwill be first presented at our 70 th Annual Dinner: theBest ISO3834Welding FabricationCompany Award; and the Best Welding Co-ordinator Award. Selecting winners will not be easy. We have a lot to celebrate at our Platinum Anniversary and I look forward to reminiscing with you all about 70 years of SAIW successes. Sean Blake

SAIW Foundation Board Chairperson: M Maroga - Eskom S Blake - SAIW P Pistorius - University of Pretoria P Venter – ArcelorMittal J Pieterse- Afrox

SAIW and SAIW Certification representatives

Executive director Sean Blake Tel: (011) 298 2101

Training services manager Shelton Zichawo Tel: (011) 298 2148

SAIW Certification manager Herman Potgieter Tel: (011) 298 2149

NDT training manager Mark Digby Tel: (011) 298 2169

Executive secretary Dimitra Kreouzi

Technical services manager Riaan Loots Tel: (011) 298 2144

Tel: (011) 298 2102 Fax: (011) 836 6014 Finance and administration manager Michelle Warmback Tel: (011) 298 2125 Cape Town branch manager Liz Berry Tel: (021) 555 2535 SAIW regional representatives

KZN branch manager George Walker Tel: (087) 351 6568


August 2018


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