African Fusion July 2020
KEMPERbeats and fume extraction
During Blechexpo towards the end of 2019, KEMPERunveiled several newsolutions, most notably its newextraction hoodwith integrated Bluetooth speaker sets, KEMPERbeats. This fume extraction system not only sets new standards in terms of fume capture rates, it also enables welders to personalise their workspace to improve motiva- tion while better protecting their health. KEMPERbeats takes welding fume extraction to a personal level
Björn Kemper, CEO of KEMPER GmbH.
K EMPERhasdevelopedanextraction hood, KEMPERbeats, that sets new standards in welding fume extrac‑ tion. It not only makes it possible to listen tomusic, it also increases the capture rates and the degree of detection of hazardous substances during welding. By enabling welders to personalise their playlists and listen to their own music, their working environment is made more calming and comfortable. Unsurprisingly, KEMPERbeats met with great visitor interest at Blechexpo 2019 in Stuttgart. Extraction hoods are the most fre‑ quently used technology worldwide for extracting harmful fumes, particles and va‑ pours directly at their point of origin during welding. KEMPERhas gone one step further with its newextractionhood: “Withour new development, we are thinking beyondpure extraction,” explains Björn Kemper, CEO of KEMPER GmbH. “KEMPERbeats creates a pleasant work‑ ing atmosphere for welders, increases employee motivation and, ultimately, pro‑ ductivity,” says Kemper. At the same time, thesolutionencouragestheuseofextraction technology,enablingemployerstosendpos‑ itivemessages to their employees regarding the friendlierworkplacedesignof the future. KEMPERbeats is an additional feature of the newKEMPER extractionhood. Behind it lie carefullymountedBluetooth loudspeak‑ ers. These allow employees to network the hoodwithanymobiledevicewhileworking, so they can listen to their own music while the extraction system is running. By giving individual welders the tools to choose their ownmusic, welders are able to personalise their working environment according to their preferences. The loudspeakers arealso designed so that employees at surrounding workplaces are not disturbed. Higher capture rate thanks to new dimensioning KEMPERbeats offers a further safety ad‑ vantages: To ensure that the music always
plays directly above the weld seam, welders need to reposi‑ tion the extraction hood to align with the point where thewelding fume originates. The solution thus ensures optimum hood positioning, which increases the fume capture rate, ensuring that hazardous substances are always extracted and filtered. The dimensioning of the new extraction hood also results in a higher capture rate and easier handling for welders. By increasing the hose diameter to 180mm, extraction performance is improved by 30% and the cap‑ ture rate by a further 20% compared to previous
generation KEMPER extraction hoods. And, owing to its flange-shaped design, this hood h a s a l r e a d y achieved capture rates up to 40% higher than conven‑ tional solutions.
KEMPERbeats is an additional feature of the new KEMPER extraction hood that allows employees to network the hood with any mobile device while working, so they can listen to their own music while the extraction system is running.
standards disputes. This new devel‑ opment will be available from the end of the first quarter of 2020. In conjunction with KEMPERbeats, visitors saw the new KEMPER hood as a pioneering development. At the same time, KEMPER presented other product solutions, especially in the field of spot ex‑ traction. In the case of the torch-integrated extraction systemof thenewVacuFil family, the automatic adjustment of the extrac‑ tion capacity on the basis of various torch features attracted attention. With regard to mobile extraction units, the new SmartFil with a 25 m 2 storage fil‑ ter provides effective occupational safety at favourable conditions, while the new WallMaster offers an easy-to-retrofit, wall- mounted filter solution for existing exhaust air systems.
Welders also need to reposition the new extraction
hood less frequently. “Twenty years after developing our extraction hood – which is still unique today – we are setting new standards in welding fume extraction with our developments,” notes Kemper. The newextraction hood can be rotated through 360° and is easy to operate by hand, even with welding gloves on. Inte‑ grated above the extraction area rather than in the air flow, an energy-saving LED strip provides welders with an optimum view of the workpiece. The new bayonet lock for connecting the extraction hose ensures an effective seal and quick fitting. A new extraction volume measurement feature is also included in thehood, directly at the point of origin, which can be used to safeguard companies against future legal
July 2020
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