African Fusion July 2020
July 2020
FEATURES 4 SAIW webinars offer new learning opportunities To maintain contact with its members during the COVID-19 lockdown, the SAIW has produced a series of webinars delivered by SAIW welding and NDT specialists. According to executive director John Tarboton these could become part of the Institute’s ‘new normal’ for effective communication and training. 8 Welding apprenticeship programme to boost SA skills base Etienne Nell, SAIW Business Development Manager, describes andchampionsSAIW’snewwork-basedapprenticeshiplearning programme for the welding industry, which is now available through the SAIWFoundation and the Quality Council for Trade and Occupation (QCTO). 10 Thermal spray protective coatings for drinking water reservoirs Inthispaper,TWesslerandAWankfromGTVVerschleiss-Schutz; andHMorgensternofRWTHAachenUniversity’s(IBAC),describe work on the use of thermal spray coating processes to improve the lining quality of concrete-based drinking water reservoirs. 14 Air Liquide and Harris: A collaboration synonymous with quality Michael Ashley, product manager for Hardgoods at Air Liquide in South Africa, talks about the relationshipbetween Air Liquide andHarris Products, which is built around providing fabricators with the highest possible safety and quality levels. 16 A flexible approach to eddy current weld inspections Bill Ziegenhagen, product manager at global NDT equipment specialist, Zetec, talks about eddy current testing (ET) and the use of ergonomic, powerful and light weight modern instruments such as Zetec’s MIZ-21C. 18 Managing welding costs by optimising shielding gas mixtures AirProductsweldingspecialist,SeanYoung,offersexpertadvice on optimising the selection of shielding gases for welding and the effect this choice has on arc stability, weld quality, spatter and clean up requirements and, ultimately, total welding costs. 20 Lesedi demonstrates confidence in EPC business At the Africa Energy Indaba in Cape Town earlier this year, Lesedi, a leading South African EPC company and nuclear services specialist, expressed confidence for future business opportunities, while urging SouthAfrica to take note of renewed global interest in small and medium nuclear power reactors. 23 KEMPERbeats takes welding fume extraction to a personal level KEMPER has unveiled its new extraction hood with integrated Bluetoothspeakersets,KEMPERbeats,afumeextractionsystem that sets new standards in terms of fume capture rates. 24 Afrox-sponsored LIV Welding Academy receives QCTO Accreditation African Fusion talks to Afrox’s Johann Pieterse and Anne Meyer, campus and training manager for LIV Durban in Verulam, KZN about the LIV Welding Academy and its recent QCTO accreditation achievement. 26 Sharpening the SA supply chain with ‘proudly local’ consumables Gary Willis, director of the First Cut’s Consumables Division, talks about local consumables’ manufacture as the “lifeblood” of his company’s approach. REGULARS 3 A message from John Tarboton 6 Front cover story: The Cutmaster 60i: ESAB’s cutting marvel 9 SAIW Bulletin board 28 Welding and cutting forum 32 Today’s technology: Transforming NDT with artificial intelligence and machine learning
Published four times a year and mailed out together with MechChem Africa by: Crown Publications (Pty) Ltd Crown House Cnr Theunis and Sovereign Streets Bedford Gardens 2007 PO Box 140
Bedfordview 2008 Tel: (011) 622 4770 Fax: (011) 615 6108
Editor: Peter Middleton E-mail: Advertising: Helen Couvaras E-mail: Publisher: Karen Grant
Deputy publisher: Wilhelm du Plessis Production & layout: Darryl James Circulation: Brenda Grossmann Printed by: Tandym Print, Cape
With the introduction of the new Cutmaster® 60i, ESAB is offering the most powerful air plasma cut‑ ting machine on the market today. The unit can cut through 20 mm (¾‑inch) mild and stainless steels, or aluminiumof up to 32mm (1¼-inch) thick. Eugene van Dyk of ESAB South Africa talks about this and other cut‑ ting ‘wonders’.
Publisher of the Year 2018 (Trade Publications)
July 2020
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