African Fusion July 2021
July 2021
FEATURES 4 SAIW’s rigorous and reinvigorated ISO 3834 certification offering John Tarboton and Herman Potgieter talk about the Institute’s ISO 3834Welding Manufacturer Certification Scheme, andwhy the SAIW is the only service provider worth considering. 8 Brimis Engineering embraces ISO 3834 African Fusion talks to Brimis Engineering’s Mphephu Nengovhela and Meshi Hamese, about the company’s valve and pump refabrication capabilities for the power and mining industries and its imminent ISO 3834 accreditation. 12 The influence of Ti and Nb on solidification cracking of ferritic stainless steels This paper details work carried out by DS Konadu of University of Ghanaon the susceptibility to solidification crackingof ferritic stainless steels. The study used Houldcroft self-restrained samples to compared unstabilised stainless steel grades with mono and dual stabilised (Ti and/or Nb) steels. 19 Bolt and Engineering Distributors delivers cutting-edge fabrication services to Klerkscale By investing ina solutions-drivenapproach through continuous, personal interactions and outstanding customer service, B.E.D. ensures long-standing and strong relationships, with notable achievements in operational efficiency. 20 ESAB launches new FE300 and ProStage gas regulators African Fusion talks to Eugene van Dyk of ESAB about the South African launch of the new ESAB FE300-series single-stage gas cylinder regulators and ProStage double-stage regulators. 22 Stainless steel welding from Unique Welding Unique Welding is able to assist fabricators to reduce welding costs, improve productivity and reduce weld safety risks in the stainless-steel industry. 24 Laser cladding with ISO 3834 certification: the high integrity surfacing combination African Fusion talks to newly appointed ISO 3834 Responsible Welding Coordinator, Pieter Venter and laser claddingmanager, Daan Lourens, about Thermaspray’s addition of laser cladding services and the importance of consistent quality control 26 Böhler Welding’s economic and ecological MIG/ MAG process combinations Böhler Welding’s advanced copper-free welding wire, particularlywhen usedwithRapiDeep andQuickPulse features, offers the best possible combination of weld economy and protection of the environment. 27 Shutdown success – a delicate mix of planning, expertise and teamwork Air Products’ Dumisa Gina and Chris Schoeman talk about a recent successful shutdown performed on air separation units used by Sasol in the midst of the COVID pandemic. 28 The use of simulators for welder training: a field study Philipp Schlor, product manager for Virtual Welding at Fronius International, presents the argument for using modern virtual technology for welder training. REGULARS 3 A message from John Tarboton 10 Front cover story: ARCAL TM : reliable, smart and simple shielding 7 SAIW Bulletin board 30 Welding and cutting forum 32 Today’s technology: TIG welding for ultra-high purity (UHP) environments.
Published three times a year and mailed out together with MechChem Africa by: Crown Publications (Pty) Ltd Crown House Cnr Theunis and Sovereign Streets Bedford Gardens 2007 PO Box 140
Bedfordview 2008 Tel: (011) 622 4770 Fax: (011) 615 6108
Editor: Peter Middleton E-mail: Advertising: Peter Middleton E-mail: Publisher: Karen Grant
Deputy publisher: Wilhelm du Plessis Production & layout: Darryl James Circulation: Brenda Grossmann Printed by: Tandym Print, Cape
African Fusion talks toMwali Kawawa and Michael Ashley of Air Liquide about the advancement of Air Liquide’s ARCAL™ range of gases and the reasons why this set of four exceptional shielding gas mixtures continues to transform the welding market.
Publisher of the Year 2018 (Trade Publications)
July 2021
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