African Fusion July 2021

SAIW’s bulletin board

TÜV SÜD invests in SA youth I n celebration of Youth Month, TÜV SÜD South Africa, and more especially TÜV SÜDPro-Tec, recently sponsored three candidates on a Level 3 workshop at the SAIW. This initiative, while sponsored by TÜV SÜD, was supported and facilitated through a selection process by the Vaal University of Technology and the SAIW. TÜV SÜD takes this opportunity to congratulate the participants, first of all for being selected for the sponsorshipand then for success- fully completing the programme. Matlale Wonder Motebejane and Xolile Carrol Masuku passed the Basic andMagnetic Particle Testing Level 3. TysonMoyagaboMakhurapassed theMagnetic Particle Test- ing Level 3 and Ultrasonic Testing Level 3 and intends to do Visual Testing Level 3. A fourth candidate who was already selected will enter the programme in August and, apart from this a further eight candidateswill alsobe sponsored for theprogramme inAugust 2021. This sponsorshipand traininghave enhanced the careers of these young students and provided them with the possibility of being appointed and upgraded from Level 2 to Level 3 in the respective methods passed. TÜV SÜD is actively engaged in training and empowering NDT personnel, as this will help to keep the lights on in an aging plant environment.While this current initiative is part of anEskomrequire- ment to have Level 3 qualified personnel in order to be awarded a national contract, it makes complete sense, as there is a serious shortage of Level 3 qualified technicians across the country. TÜV SÜD intends to sponsor training for approximately 30 Level 3 NDT technicians over the four year period of the contract. It is vital to empower and capacitate our youth with the right skills to keep South Africa going.

Bottom row: TÜV SÜD sponsored students, Matlale Wonder Motebejane (right) and Xolile Carrol Masuku (centre) passed the Basic and Magnetic Particle Testing Level 3, while Tyson Moyagabo Makhura (left) passed the Magnetic Particle Testing Level 3 and Ultrasonic Testing Level 3 and intends to do Visual Testing Level 3. Top row: Gerrit Maritz, TÜV SÜD NDT manager; and Mark Digby, the SAIW’s NDT training manager.

TÜV SÜD and TÜV SÜD Pro-Tec T ÜV SÜD established its presence in South Africa in May 2010. Committed to invest- ment and empowerment in South Africa, it is a fully compliant B-BBEE company with partner Kapela Investments. It is headquartered in Cape Town, with regional offices in Johannesburg and Middelburg. It provides its services through many divisions and legal entities including TÜV SÜD Inspection Authority, a government ap- proved AIA; Lift and Escalator Consulting and Inspection Services; Management and System Certification; Mobility Services, which includes Remarketing Appraisals of Vehicles and Road- worthy Testing. Non-destructive testing (NDT) services form part of the TÜV SÜD Pro-Tec portfolio of services, which is at the forefront of providing testing and inspection services to industry, mainly in the power generation environment. In 2011, TÜV SÜD South Africa acquiredPro-Tec Boiler Inspection& NDTServices, awell-known industry leader in this field, and so became the number one provider of non-destructive testing and inspection services for the power generation industry in SouthAfrica. This division is based in Middelburg.

Back row from left: John Tarboton, Harold Jansen, Jan Cowan, Mark Digby, Tyson Makhura, Riaan Loots, Jaco Venter all of the SAIW, and Gerrit Maritz from TÜV SÜD). Front row: from the Cameroon IAEA are Paul Massing, Luc Mboua and Arnaud Ebola; with Wonder Motebejane (VUT), Errol Minnie (Detect) and Carrol Masuku (VUT).


July 2021


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