African Fusion June 2015

SAIW bulletin board

African Fusion summarises SAIW President Morris Ma- roga’s report, deliveredduring SAIW’s 67 th annual general meeting on May 8, 2015. The 67 th SAIW president’s report

Institute Maroga reports that last year, the Institute began converting from an Unincorporated Association to an Incorporated Not for Profit Company registered under the Companies Act of 2008. “I am pleased to report that this process is now complete and SAIW has been registered as a Not for Profit com- pany,” he announces. Membership and branches In response to the challenge of growing its membership, a scheme has been in- troduced to encourage graduates from Institute courses to join as members on a trial basis. “Retaining and growing personal membership is a challenge we share with many other technical institutes. We need to continue explor- ingmethods to promotemembership of SAIW and I would like to recommend all our members to encourage their indus- try colleagues to join,” he urges. The Cape Town and KwaZulu-Natal branches have remainedactive through- out 2014, represented by Anne Meyer in Durban and Liz Berry in Cape Town, while “Kennedy Nyirenda continues as our representative inZambia” thoughan informal association with the Engineer- ing Institute of Zambia. Annual highlights “The 2014 dinner, held in August, was once again a great success. Of particular note was the presentation of The SAIW Gold Medal to Robin Williamson for his outstanding contribution to SAIW and the welding industry, for over 30 years of selfless service.

The 2015 Young Welder often Year, Jaco van Deventer (right) from Steinmüller, receives his stainless steel award from SASSDA's Mankabe More.

“ T he past year has been one of change in South Africa, which has brought many challenges to SAIW and the welding industry,” begins Ma- roga, before announcing the elected council members and welcoming its newmember, SASSDA’s John Tarbotan, who replaces retired SASSDA president Bill Scurr on the SAIW board. “I would like to thank all the Council members for the time and expertise which they contribute to the governance of the Institute,” he says. On the financial side, the Institute

managed to generate a net surplus and “with self-generated income in excess of 98%of our total income” the Institute was again able tomake good provisions for future expenditure. “So overall, 2014 was an excellent year for the Institute in terms of finances,” Maroga reports. Thanking the South African Iron and Steel Institute (SAISI), he says that, be- cause of its continued sponsorship and support, “SAIW is able to offer practical welder training at our facility, which is a costly activity.” Addressing the status change of the

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SAIW turns up the heat

• Surface treatments, induction hardening, plasma and LASER treatments. • Alloy and tool steels and their heat treatment. • Cast iron heat treatments. • Heat treatment of stainless steels. This five day course is intended for personnel who are involved in the engineering field and conduct, utilize or specify heat treatment processes for engineering components.

Leading physical metallurgy expert, Dr. Andy Koursaris (BSc, PhD) is to present the Heat Treatment, Microstructure, Properties and Applications for Engineering course at the Southern African Institute of Welding (SAIW). The Heat Treatment for Engineering course covers the processes used to manipulate the microstructure and properties of steel, which is the most used material owing to its versatility.

Date: 7 to 11 September 2015 Venue: Southern African Institute of Welding

Dr. Andy Koursaris

Address: 52 Western Boulevard, City West, Johannesburg Costs: Corporate Members, R13 505. Non-members, R14 600 For further information phone 011 298 2111 or email

Course Outline: • The nature and basic properties of metals, alloying, metallurgical reactions and microstructures. • Iron/carbon system and microstructures. • Heat treatments processes and hardening of steel. • Martensitic transformation and tempering of martensite. • Isothermal transformation of steel, TTT and CCT diagrams. • Quenching and hardenability of steel.

Southern African Institute of Welding SAIW

Tel: +27 (0)11 298 2111 Fax: +27 (0)11 836 4132 E-mail:


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June 2015


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