African Fusion June 2017

GMAW cladding using hot wire

described above is being used for the cladding of al- loy 625 on valves, fittings and accessories for the oil and gas industry. The individual components have diameters of up to 2.0 m and weights of sev- eral tons. The area of the surfaces, which are being clad to improvement their corrosion resistance, are also large. Productivity andqual- ity of the clad layers must be optimised to give the

Figure 8: The GMAW hot wire welding system in use.

best possible outcomes for the com- pany. Wire feed speeds of 10 to 12 m/ minwith 1.2mmwire diameters for both wire feeding systems result indeposition rates of over 13 kg/h. At the same time the dilution is comparable with previ- ously used TIGhot wirewelding process. Figure 8 shows the process being used. Conclusions The application of the GMAW welding with hot wire support offers a realistic alternative to traditional cladding pro- cesses. It combines high deposition rate References 1 TWI global. (n.d.). Retrieved 04 21, 2016. fromhttp://www.twi- capabilities/materials-and-corrosion- management/surface-engineering-and- advanced- coatings/cladding/. 2 INCONEL data sheet. Special Metals Corporation. 2013 (Aug 13). 3 J Slania; R Krawczyk; S. Wojcik: “Quality requirements put on the Inconel 625 austenite layer used on the sheet pile walls of the boiler‘s evaporator to utilize

andhigher productivitywith lowdilution and lowpercentages of Fe in the surface layer, which results in better corrosion resistance properties for the clad layers. The required equipment is available as standard in today’s welding technol- ogymarket. All components have digital and analogue interfaces, giving the user easy tools to configure, setup and use the system with minimal investments in time and money. Copyright © 2016 International Institute of Welding: Originally published in the proceedings of the IIW International Conference of 2016, Melbourne, Australia.

Figure 6: The Phoenix 551 Progress Puls GMAW welding system.

waste thermally”; Archivesofmetallurgy and materials – Vol. 60, 201,5 Issue 2. DOI: 10.1515/amm-2015-0192. 4 J Norrish: “Advancedwelding processes – technologies and process control; Woodhead publishing in materials. 2006. 5 BerndRutzinger: “Influence of theweld- ing process to the dilution rate of weld overlays on unalloyed steel using the weld consumable ERNiCrMo-3 (Alloy 625)”; Biuletyn instytutu spawalnictwa Nr.5/2015.

The Phoenix welding system provides the GMAW process with up to 550 A in spray or pulsed mode, while the Tig- speed unit provides thewire preheating with a hot wire current of up to 180 A. The GMAW hot wire configuration Figure 7: The Tigspeed drive 45 hot wire system with its integrated power source.


June 2017


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