African Fusion June 2019
Purging and gas purity monitoring
Welding the nickel superalloys
Independent consultant Michael Fletcher, a qualifiedmetallur- gist with extensive experience inwelding and non-destructive testing, talks about the requirements for welding the new high-temperature creep- and corrosion-resistant nickel-based superalloys such as Inconel 740H, with particular regard for careful purging and gas puritymonitoring during gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW).
S ignificant recent developments have been made that have re- sulted in the introduction of new nickel alloys that offer major improve- ments in mechanical properties. Not least is Inconel 740H [1], a nickel- based, precipitation hardenable super- alloy that offers a unique combination of high strength and creep resistance at elevated temperatures, along with resistance to coal ash corrosion. The al- loy was originally used for A-USC boiler tubes in the superheater sections of power plants but has been adapted for use in steamheaders. A-USCboiler tubes are typically sized at between 38 and 76 mm in diameter, while main steam header pipes can have outer diameters of 305mmandwall thicknesses exceed- ing 38mm. Seamless reheat piping with diameters of up to 760mm is also now a target for the Inconel 740H alloy. Whilst new materials such as these help to expand the use of nickel-based alloys in areas where mechanical prop- erties and corrosion resistance at el- evated temperatures aremandatory, the need to maintain strict control during welding is imperative in order to pre- serve these characteristics. Inconel 740Hhas a higher chromium content than other alloys in this class of materials and consequently offers
significant high-temperature corrosion resistance. All the nickel-based alloys and particularly Inconel 740H, how- ever, are prone to loss of chromium through oxidation during welding [2] unless some form of shielding is provided [3]. With respect to pipework and boilers, failure to purge or failure to purge properly will result in a heav- ily oxidised surface on the weld root inside the cavity, with substantially lower corrosion resistance. Even after the completion of the root weld, the weld purge should be continued for several passes to avoid heat tint, the discolouration caused by oxidation inside the tube or pipe. When using the GTAWprocess, direct protection of the upper weld deposit can be achieved through the inert gas shroud with the additional use of a trailing gas shield. The weld root, how- ever, remains fully exposed to the at- mosphere and oxidationwill take place. An essential requirement whenmak- ing butt joints, therefore, is to provide interior inert gas purging, typically with argon or helium [4]. With very small tubes this can usually be achieved through careful continuous gas flow through the inside of the tube, but this technique is prone to erratic coverage
Figure 2: These examples from the QuickPurge® range are representative of proven purge systems. They cover the pipe size range 152 to 2 235 mm in diameter. because of turbulence. Isolating the section to be welded by inserting dams on either side of the joint and filling the volume with inert gas is a much better solution. For economic reasons, attempts have been made to provide dams using paper, card, timber or even polystyrene plugs, but success is erratic, sealing is difficult, contamination is inevitable and effec- tive removal of the debris following
Figure 1: The use of an inflatable purge system for high temperature pipe welding with heat resistant material, hoses and fittings.
June 2019
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