African Fusion June 2019
June 2019 FEATURES 4 SAIW’s 71 st president’s report
Published four times a year and mailed out together with MechChem Africa by: Crown Publications cc Crown House Cnr Theunis and Sovereign Streets Bedford Gardens 2007 PO Box 140
In his president’s address following the SAIW’s 71 st Annual General Meeting. Morris Maroga introduced the new board and outlined progress for the 2018/2019 financial year. 6 Phased-array UT introduced by ESKOM African Fusion talks to Eskom’s Level 3 NDT specialist and chief engineer, Grant Meredith, about research carried out at Eskom and the advantages of moving towards the use of digital phased array UT technology as a replacement for radiography. 12 Cold repair of Inconel 625 clad layers on medium carbon high strength steels This paper, presented at the IIW Annual Assembly in Indonesia (Bali) in 2018, won its principle author, Kristian Kruger, the 2018 Harvey Shacklock Gold Medal Award for the best technical paper presented at an SAIW event. 18 Welding the nickel superalloys Metallurgist Michael Fletcher talks about the requirements forwelding thenewhigh-temperature creep- and corrosion- resistant nickel-based superalloys, such as Inconel 740H, withparticular regard for purgingandgas puritymonitoring. 20 Welding for space travel: the ultimate challenge Quality requirements for equipment and vessel structures for spaceships are exceptionally high with welding technology standards posing particularly arduous challenges. This article from Fronius describes some solutions. 22 Coating specialist adds laser cladding capability Thermaspray has installed a purpose built laser-cladding booth to its coating facility in Olifantsfontein. The company’smanaging director, Jan Lourens, introduces the technology and its advantages. 24 Let’s make welding cool, clever and clean MDof KEMPER, Frederic Lanz, describes his future vision for welded fabrications. 26 HyperFill: SAW deposition rates with GMAW flexibility Lincoln Electric South Africa introduces HyperFill, an innovative twin-wire GMAW welding solution, to maximise productivity from a single power source, wire feeder, welding torch and contact tip. 27 Afrox advances cylinder tracking Leading gas supplier, Afrox, has completed the national roll- out of its state-of-the-art digital cylinder tracking service. REGULARS 3 Morris Maroga’s message 8 SAIW Bulletin board 10 Front cover story: The 3-metre radius welding offering 28 Welding and cutting forum 32 Today’s technology: The OmniScan MX2 Phased Array, ultrasonic flaw detector.
Bedfordview 2008 Tel: (011) 622 4770 Fax: (011) 615 6108
Editor: Peter Middleton E-mail: Advertising: Helen Couvaras E-mail: Publisher: Karen Grant
Deputy publisher: Wilhelm du Plessis Production & layout: Darryl James Circulation: Brenda Grossmann Printed by: Tandym Print, Cape
Michael Ashley, Mwali Kawawa and Rolf Schluep, members of the Air Liq- uide marketing team, talk about the development of their new welding and cutting offerings aimed at being the top of mind partner to the Auto- motive and Fabrication industries.
Publisher of the Year 2018 (Trade Publications)
June 2019
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