African Fusion June 2019
Welding and cutting
High quality, locally manufactured electrical products the benefits is that it has contributed to lowering Powermite’s costs, which we then pass on to our customers.”
P owermite, amember of the Hudaco group, offers a fully comprehensive range of high quality locally manufac- tured electrical products for machin- ery and equipment including mobile generators, pumps, welding machines, continuous miners, shuttle cars, tun- nel borers and transformers for use by the southern Africa’s mining, marine, manufacturing, fabrication and general engineering sectors. “Quality and reliability are funda- mental to prolonging the lifecycle of products and subsequently optimising uptime and productivity for mines and plants,” states Donovan Marks, mar- keting director of Powermite. “As our electrical products and components are subjected to stringent operating conditions, we make sure that quality always takes centre stage duringmanu- facturing.” Powermite’s sister companies, Proof Mining Solutions and Ampco, are re- sponsible for the manufacture of the electrical product range in a state-of- the-art manufacturing facility based on Johannesburg’s West Rand. “Pooling the talents and resources across both businesses has created the largest plug and socketmanufacturer under one roof in Africa,” states Marks. He adds that the combination of the two companies’ strengths and synergies has been a huge success on a number of levels. “One of
A tremendous advantage stemming from local manufacture is rapid product and spares availability which Marks points out are vital elements that con- tribute tomaximised production levels. Flame and explosion proof special- ist, Proof Mining Solutions, boasts 45 years’ experience in the manufacture of top components, equipment and systems for South African industry. The company’s unique phase-to-phase segregation eliminates the possibility of phase-to phase-faults, preventing costly downtime and serious injury to personnel. The offering from Proof extends to both surface and underground mining applications: The extensive surface mining portfolio includes PLM366 and PLM415/515 plugs and sockets, 11 kV 800 A tunnel couplers and adaptors for open cast applications, 22 kV 400 A couplers for draglines, as well as 35 kV 400 A couplers and adaptors for over- head line skids. An array of plugs, sockets, couplers and adaptors, ranging from 120 A 1.1 kV to 400 A 12 kV, is on offer for under- ground applications. Further augmenting Proof’s product innovations is the ProAlloy coupler. With a reduction in theft risk as one of
ProAlloy couplers from Powermite are 33% lighter than their brass counterparts. the primary objectives, the coupler is manufactured from a non-theft zinc, copper and aluminium combination material and therefore holds no resale value. The coupler is also 33% lighter than its brass counterpart. From the Ampco stable, plugs and sockets are designed for specific under- ground operations as well as products that focus primarily on industrial ap- plications. These products are suited for mobile generators, pumps, welding machines, factory installations, and more. The design of the Ampco range includes an important safety feature; a one-of-a-kind interlocking design that prevents the end user from removing the plug under load. Proof Mining Solutions and Ampco carry SABS approval to IEC60079 Part 1 and 2, and SANS 1489 – 2005, and to 60309 Part 1 and 2 respectively, and all products are ISO9001:2008 compliant.
Zap Data Hub for SYSPRO: an analytics and reporting solution Z APandSYSPROhave launcheda special solution edition of the market-leading data management and analytics software, ZAP Data Hub, tailored specifically for the award-winning ERP software, SYSPRO. ZAP Data Hub for SYSPRO automates access, integration and preparation of data for reporting, and comes with an all- encompassing stack of pre-built analytics and dashboards for distribution, financial, and manufacturing staff. data and to extend it with local or remote data sources for added business insight. ZAP believes in data unification and data- driven decisions, andwe’re excited to bring this integration to the SYSPROcommunity.” ZAP Data Hub for SYSPRO includes several pre-built dashboards and analyt- ics, covering distribution, financials, and manufacturing. For distribution, dash- boards are available for the Inventory Manager, PurchasingManager, VPSales and more. For financial staff, dashboards are available for the Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable managers, and the CFO including Income Statement Dashboard and Balance Sheet.
can assist in scheduling and production capacity planning, while efficiencymetrics givevaluable feedbackonperformanceand output quality. Software demonstrations and inter- views with both ZAP, SYSPRO and early adopters are available now. ZAP’s part- nership is exclusive to the SYSPRO Africa region. SYSPRO is a global, independent pro- vider of industry-built ERP software de- signed to simplify business complexity for manufacturers and distributors. Focused on delivering optimised performance and complete business visibility, the SYSPRO solution is highly scalable, and can be deployed on-premise, in the cloud, or accessed via a mobile device. SYSPRO’s strengths lie in a simplified approach to technology, expertise in a range of indus- tries, and a commitment to future-proofing customer and partner success.
“There’s a tremendous synergy between SYSPRO and ZAP,” reports Deirdré Fryer, re- gional product manager at SYSPRO Africa. “SYSPRO strongly believes that its world class ERP system is distinctive to others on account of its simplicity, ease of use and fast ROI. These are traits we saw very quickly that we had in common with ZAP Data Hub.” Chief Product Officer at ZAP, Damien Zwillinger comments: “ZAP Data Hub for SYSPROoffers newways toanalyse SYSPRO
In terms of pre-packaged manufactur- ing/fabrication analytics, ZAP Data Hub for SYSPRO’s pre-built ProductionManager dashboard gives users amuch-neededhigh level overview. Production Controllers can gain insight to production capacity and efficiency at a glance. Their dashboards
June 2019
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