African Fusion March 2021
Welding and cutting
Welding proximity sensors from OMRON
L incoln Electric has introduced its latest addition to the Vantage line of diesel engine driven welder/generators with the new Vantage 441X. Built to de- liver power, dependability and flexibility operators can count on, the Vantage 441X welder/generator is loaded with features to help keep jobsites welding at peak performance. Equippedwith a 41 hp, turbocharged Perkins® diesel engine, the Vantage 441X welder/generator provides true IEC rated 400-amp, 100% duty cycle dc welding output. Engineered for enhanced power and performance, this fuel-efficient, Tier 4 Final engine packs all the neces- sary power for running heavier elec- trodes and carbon arc gouging rodswith excellent coldweather andhigh-altitude performance. Built to withstand demanding en- vironments, the rugged design of the Vantage 441X provides field-proven dependability with features such as encapsulated GFCIs, stainless steel panelling, strain-relief wiring, and pot- ted PC boards. For welding performance, the Van- tage 441X delivers superior SMAW capabilities and features customised weldmodes for carbon steel, aluminium and stainless steel. For more advanced applications, the Vantage 441X also includes dedicated SAW and orbital pipe modes, along with synergic pulse A key feature of the E2EW series is its ability to identify iron and aluminium accurately at the same distance. This is particularly useful in modern auto- motive applications, where the trend towards lighter vehicles for improved fuel consumptionand the increase inde- mand for electric vehicles is prompting a change in component material speci- fications from heavier iron to lighter R S Components has added the OM- RON E2EW series welding proxim- ity sensors to its portfolio. Featuring improved sensing technology and robust construction, the E2EW series can significantly reduce downtime and improve productivity in automotive welding applications by reducing the risk of sudden stoppages as a result of material misidentification or sensor failure.
aluminium. As a result, production lines are increasingly using a mix of the two. Previous full metal proximity sensors have struggled todifferentiate efficiently between thesemetals because the sens- ing distance for aluminium is shorter than that for iron. Thismakes thedesign, start-up, andmaintenanceof production lines complicated and can lead to pro- duction errors and inefficiencies. These problems are greatly reduced with the E2EW series, which offers sens- ing distances that are approximately twice as long as previousmodels for iron and approximately six times as long as previous models for aluminium. This enables the E2EW sensors to use the samedistance for detectingbothmetals, making machine setup and changeover much simpler and quicker, as well as reducing false detection rates – even for
Omron E2EW sensors can now be used to detect both aluminium and steel from the same distance. unsteady sensing objects. As a result, there are far fewer unexpected stop- pages, improving productivity.
A full metal body equips the E2EW series for use in the harshest environ- ments. In addition, the sensors feature technologies to prevent coating abra- sion: achieving spatter resistance for up to 60 times longer thanpreviousmodels. The OMRON E2EW series is also equipped with I/O Link, which means it can be connected intowider production line networks. New Vantage diesel welder/generator with field-proven ruggedness. capabilities for better arc performance in GMAW welding.
Lincoln Electric’s Vantage 441X diesel engine driven welder/generator. as a standalonemachine, or in Ready-Pak® options that come assembled on heavy-duty trailers directly fromthe factory.
To back it all up, the Vantage 441X comes standard with CrossLinc® Tech- nology, which enables precise voltage control at the arc without the use of an extra control cable for improvedproduc- tivity, safety, and quality. TheVantage 441X is available toorder
Eliminate porosity during welding T he presence of moisture on a joint surface can create porosity inweld metal. It is therefore important that the dew point is monitored so welders are made aware when moisture is likely to be present. Innovator in Weld Purging, Huntingdon Fusion Techniques HFT®, has recently developed a dewpoint sensor, an important predication instrument for when water will form on metal surfaces in the welding environment.
Ron Sewell, Chairman for HFT® says: “Under arc condi- tions, water is broken down into hydrogen and oxygen in atomic form which, when present in weld metal, cause porosity and are known to create cracking in the weld joint. Water can form as moisture on metal surfaces while welding, so it is crucial to be able to measure the dew point while welding lengthy critical joints, as conditions can change during the welding process. “The PurgEye® dew point sensor accessory has been designed to integrate with most of the Argweld® Weld Purge Monitors® via the PurgeNet™ lead that is supplied with them, thereby giving values for oxygen (0 2 ) and water (H 2 0) on the same screen. In this way, the user is not forced into the purchase of an expensive, separate dew point monitor that will give its reading elsewhere.” The DewPoint Sensor is designed to fit any of the Argweld®WeldPurgeMonitors® that read down to 1.0 ppm, which includes the PurgEye® 200, PurgEye® Desk, PurgEye® 600, PurgEye® 1000 and the PurgEye® Site. Data is displayed on the OLED screen of the Weld Purge Monitor® in split format, so both 0 2 and H 2 0 content are shown as ppm value.
March 2021
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