African Fusion March 2022

iWave 3-in-1 from Fronius

Fronius iWave: Innovative 3-in-1 TIG/MMA/MIG/MAG solution The newly released iWave 3-in-1 from Fronius is an intelli- gent, high-end series that sets newmulti-process standards in quality, flexibility and connectivity.

F ronius’ new iWave 3-in-1 is an ac/dc multi-process power source that en- ables perfect weld seams to be pro- duced on all weldable materials using TIG, GMAW, MMAW and FCAW processes. It also incorporatesmulti-process capabilities and comes with a host of innovative features. The modular system design assures a customised solutionwhatever thewelding requirements – now and in the future. Fronius developed the iWave to enable highest quality TIG welds to be produced on different metals. The innovative Option CycleTIG provides for maximum control over the arc and targeted heat input. Further highlights include improved ignition control andgreater easeof usewith intuitive operation. Whether welding pres- sure vessels, pipes or themost demanding requirements in medical technology and fabrications for the food and beverage industries – or any application where avoiding pores and temper discoloration is critical – the iWave, available in power ranges from190 to 500 A, is the ideal choice. Universal solution with Multiprocess PRO Multiprocess capability is important if switching between different welding tasks on a day-to-day basis. The new iWave proves itsworthherewith sophisticatedTIG technology, but it is also suited to manual metal arc welding (MMAW) – even with cel- lulose electrodes. The Multiprocess PRO also gives users unlimited access to all MIG/ MAG processes in power ranges from300 A. This makes the iWave a multi-talented all- rounder producing outstanding welding results in many welding processes. “The iWave provides flexibility in that customers can individually choose the specific functions they need froma range of modular welding packages. The customer also has the assurance that functions can be added as and when needed,” says Manuel Rumpl, head of strategic product management at Fronius International. Starting with standard TIG or standard MIG/MAG applications, the iWave enables upgrades to the full Fronius range, includ- ing the Cold Metal Transfer (CMT), Pulse Multi Control (PMC) and Low Spatter Con-

trol (LSC) welding packages. T h e i Wa v e

s uppo r t s t h e main communi- cation standards and i s ready for Industry 4.0. Modern

wireless connection gives welders greater freedom and security, allowing them to exploit the full potential of the device. Peripheral devices, such as remote control or the high-tech Vizor Con- nect welding helmet, can be wire- lessly connected via Bluetooth. WLAN also enables communication with other devices in the same network so the user can enjoy a host of digital advan- tages, such as central user management, real-time data transfer and rapid updates. Fronius has gone the extra mile in the iWave series, combining resource-conserv- ing know-howwith rugged, durabledesign. It is the first TIGpower sourceon themarket with aReal Energy (kJ) display and analysis feature. In addition, the Power Factor Cor- rection (PFC) provides for efficient energy consumptionandno-loadpower consump- tion is always kept below 50 W. “Before a Fronius welding system can get the go ahead to enter production, it is subjected to a battery of load and endur-

Above: The new Fronius iWave 3-in-1 TIG/MMA/ MIG/MAG proves its worth with sophisticated TIG technology, along with manual metal arc welding (MMAW) – even with cellulose electrodes – and unlimited access to all Fronius’ MIG/MAG/FCAW processes. Left: Intuitive dynamic, graphical interface takes the welder straight to the setting needed. ance tests. These tests go way beyond the standard requirements, and are the key to why our systems enjoy such a long service life. Moreover, in the event of servicing, the service-friendly design means the main components can be replaced with ease,” concludes Rumpl.

As well as incorporating the TIG process, Fronius’ new 3-in-1 iWave also includes all of Fronius’ advanced features for MMAW and MIG/MAG/FCAW.


March 2022


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