African Fusion March 2023

IIW paper for TWF Conference

Having signed an agreement with EWF in 1999, the IIW adopted the European System – which then became global – and developed qualifications with international scope. This led to the establishment of a new board of IIW, the International Autho rization Board (IAB), which is still managed by EWF based on a recently updated agree ment between the two parties. IAB develops and manages the IIW Certification of companies in accordance with ISO 3834, and almost 20 education, training and qualification programmes for welding personnel. Over 162 000 diplomas had been awarded by 2019 and, amongst these, the IWE® (International Welding Engineer) qualification was issued to over 55 000 individuals, making this the most known IIW product in the industry. Meetings and gatherings of the IIW community A few years after the Foundation, the international welding community started gathering at the IIW Annual Assembly. Soon after the first one held in 1948 (the found ing assembly), numbers started growing and after only seven years, the number of participants was over 500. Since 1983, a concurrent IIW International Conference

has facilitated access for the local weld ing industry and young professionals to international experts and leading-edge research and technology, and has provided a platform for showcasing global develop ments in host nations of the welding world. The IIW Annual Assembly is considered to be the ‘yearly world gathering of the who’s who in welding’, with 600 to 800 participants, and more, attending. Interme diate meetings have also been established to enable participants to present the results of their work, openly share their concerns, and to have other experts comment and contribute. This allows professional growth to any one attending; facilitating human relation ships amongst the most widely recognised experts, while always welcoming newcom ers to the IIW family.

became EWF – European Federation for Welding, Joining and Cutting – which, in the early 90s, developed the guideline for the education, training and qualification of European Welding Engineers. This was extended by the end of the century to Welders, Practitioners, Technologists and Inspectors. Figure 5: An IWE diploma from 2001. By 2019, this qualification had been issued to over 55 000 welding professionals.

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March 2023


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