African Fusion November 2016
WMHACC of linepipe steel
maintaining a minimum interpass temperature, and post-weld heating to minimise the amount of hydrogen in the joint and reducing the risk of HACC [21]. The negative aspects to this approach are heavy time consumption and high cost. Time is a major constraint in pipe- line welding and, as described above, pipeline-welding practices in Australia have been optimised over many years to yield high production and low repair rates. During fabrication, welding of the root pass is the rate controlling step, therefore, cellulosic electrodes is pre- ferred above its low-hydrogen counter- parts for the root- and hot pass of the operation. Theprocess is alsowell suited to accommodate poor pipe fit-up [22]. Mainline pipe girth welds are pro- duced by aligning the abutting ends to be welded using an internal clamp while the root pass is deposited. Once 50 to 70% of the root pass is complete, the clamp is released and the pipe is positioned by lifting and lowering off onto a support skid [23]. The time be- tween consecutive lifting and lowering of joined pipe segments determines the productivity of pipeline fabrication, hence the lifting before completion of the root pass. At this stage, the root pass has sufficient hot ductility to accom-
excessive cooling rates in the root pass, effectively preventing hydrogen from escaping through diffusion and increas- ing restraint stresses on cooling. Recent years have also seen a shift towards larger diameter, thicker wall coal seam pipelines for the export of natural gas. Even though mechanised gas metal arc welding (GMAW) is the preferred process for mainline welding of large diameter pipelines, cellulosic procedures are still widely used for repair and for the weld- ing of tie-ins. Heavier wall thicknesses reduce the safety margin for preheat- free welding and, potentially, place the pipeline construction industry at risk with regards toweldmetal cracking [20]. These observations suggest that the phenomenon of weld metal hydrogen- assisted cold cracking in linepipe steel needs to be revisited, and that clear guidelines are needed to assure the industry that the risk of weld metal cracking during pipeline construction can be controlled. Welding practice in Australia Generally, a hydrogen-control approach is taken during the welding of high- strength steels whenever there is a risk of HACC. This approach entails the use of low-hydrogen consumables, preheat- ing the joint to specified temperatures,
modate the lifting operation without cracking [24, 25]. Results and conclusions Welding during the parameter window optimisation (i.e. heat input, welding speed, and tentativepreheating to simu- late field conditions) was carried out using the modified WIC test, originally developed by the Welding Institute of Canada and shown in Figure 2. The level of restraint resulting from the design of the test pieces imparts a considerable safety factor to the results obtained.
Figure 2: Modified WIC test piece [26].
This information will provide guid- ance on the welding conditions in the field that should be avoided to prevent WMHACC and supplements the limited guidelines currently available for WM- HACC avoidance in the Australian Stan- dard for pipeline welding: AS 2885.2.
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November 2016
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