African Fusion November 2017

Orbital welding of Alloy 825

This paper, which won the SAIW Harvey Shacklock in 2017 for its principal author Angel Krustef, was first delivered at the ASME 2017 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference of July 16-20, 2017 inHawaii. It details the development of a technique for controlling the heat input during tube-to-tubesheet welding of Alloy 825. weld retainer during welding of Alloy 825 Angel Krustev; Kelvion Thermal SA; with Boian Alexandrov and Jerry Kovacich of Ohio State University Modified GTAW orbital tube-to-tubesheet welding technique, and the effect of a copper

T ube-to-tubesheet welds are an essential part of the design of heat exchangers used in the power generation, petrochemical, chemical processing, pharmaceutical, and food processing industries. The tube-to-tubesheet welds are typically produced using gas tungsten arc weld- ing (GTAW), with or without the addi- tion of filler wire, and involve carbon steels and various creep and corrosion resistant alloys. The weld heat input in tube-to-tubesheet welds is an essential parameter that controls productivity and weld quality, in terms of weld bead geometry andheat-affected zonemicro- structure and properties. AmodifiedGTAW tube-to-tubesheet orbital welding head that utilises a cop- per weld retainer is described in this paper. The copper weld retainer pro- vides a heat sink during welding, while supporting the molten weld metal. This permits the use of a relatively high heat input, required for a single pass welding with filler wire addition. Furthermore, the copper retainer limits the amount of weld overlap into the tube bore.

The application of the modified orbital welding technique, which helped resolve a suspected liquation cracking problem in Alloy 825 tube to 316L stainless steel tubesheet welds, is presented here. Introduction When producing tube-to-tubesheet welds, the orbital welding technique is usually the preferred choice, due to the high quality and repeatability of the welds. Qualification of the welding procedure is required by the governing Code, and is subject to certain tests, such as those specified in ASME Sec- tion IX, with several additional tests. A conventional tube-to-tubesheet welding procedure involves two weld passes: an autogenous GTAW pass fol- lowed by a cold wire GTAWpass. During a recent welding procedure qualifica- tion, involving welds between Alloy 825 tubes and 316L stainless tubesheet, microscopic evaluation of the welds was performed. This revealed the presence of unusual cracks, confined to the heat-affected zone (HAZ) of the

Alloy 825 tube. The cracks closely re- sembled in appearance liquation crack- ing, and their presence was deemed unacceptable. Alloy 825 is a solid solution strength- ened Ni-based alloy. HAZ cracking in such alloys can occur by liquation and/ or ductility dip mechanisms [1, 2, 3]. Both crackingmechanisms involve high levels of thermal strain generated by the welding process. Liquation of HAZ grain boundaries occurs due to suppression of the local melting point caused by segregation of solute and/or impurity elements, or due to local melting of eutectic constituents [1, 4, 5]. Another HAZ cracking mecha- nism is constitutional liquation that involves local melting at the interface of intermetallic precipitates, typically NbC and TiC, with the surrounding ma- trix [1, 5, 6, 7]. Liquation cracking in the partially melted zone (PMZ) is usually associated with low melting point con- stituents located along solidification grain boundaries [8]. Ductility dip cracking (DDC) is de- fined as a solid state HAZ mechanism associated with elevated temperature grain boundary sliding or separation and ductility exhaustion [2, 3, 9, 10]. Austenitic stainless steel and solid solu- tion strengthened Ni-based alloys with straight solidification grain boundaries and a tendency towards grain boundary migration, are particularly susceptible to DDC. The objective of this study was to identify the reasons for HAZ cracking in welds produced with the conventional two-pass welding procedure and to present a newly developed approach for GTAWtube-to-tubesheet orbital welding that utilised a copper weld retainer. This approach involved single-pass, cold- wire GTAWand successfully resolved the HAZ cracking problem.

Material Tubesheet: SA 965 F316L (316L steel)

Tube: SB 163 N08825 (Alloy 825)

Filler metal: ERNiCrMo-3 (Alloy625)




0.01 0.08


0.41 1.95

0.17 0.87



Cr Ni

16.86 10.12

19.94 38.13

22.5 64.1






0.028 0.006





– – – – –


0.21 0.01 0.13

Cu Al Fe Nb


0.11 35.7



Table 1: Alloy content of the tubesheet, the tube, and the filler metal, wt.%.


November 2017


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