African Fusion November 2019
nickel-base 625-T1wire; and an experimen- tal manganese-alloyed austenitic 17/15-T1 wire especially developed for welding 5% nickel steels. Based on the present inves- tigation, the following conclusions could be drawn: • Both wires showed good weldability in the vertical-up position and a wire feed rate of 10 m/min was easy to handle manually. This allows for high welding speeds, which in turn enable a reduc- tion in the welding time and improved productivity. • The preferred stick-out length was 15 mm. • All welds were free from defects and irregularities. • When welding the 5% nickel steel, A645 Grade A, both flux-cored wires passed the mechanical requirements in EN 10028-4 and ASME BPVC.II.A, but tensile test fracture occurred in the weldmetal for the 17/1-T1 wire. The A645 Grade A has higher strength than the EN X12Ni5 steel, so it is to be expected that the
Figure 4: Hardness measurements of welded joints: a) 5%Ni+17/15-T1; b) 9%Ni+17/15-T1; c) 5% Ni+625-T1; d) 9% Ni+625-T1.
weldmetal strength exceeds that of the parent material. • Only the nickel-based 625-T1 wire passed all requirements when 9% Ni X7Ni9 plates were joined.
• The austenitic 17/15-T1 wire may be a cost-effective alternative to 625-T1 whenwelding 5%Ni steels for cryogenic applications, but for 9% Ni, nickel-base wire is required.
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November 2019
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