African Fusion November 2023

Yaskawa Motoman GP20

Motoman GP20: the embodiment of cutting edge technology

Yaskawa’s Motoman GP20 robot stands as a beacon of innovation and precision, redefining the way industries approach manufacturing and automation. This ad vanced robot is more than just a machine; it boasts cutting-edge technology, precision and speed, as well as unparalleled versatility and reliability.

Yaskawa’s GP20 robot and its advanced technology, precision, speed, versatility and reliability redefine what is possible in

manufacturing and automation.

A t the heart of the GP20 lies an intricate puzzle of advanced tech nology, a testament to Yaskawa’s commitment to pushing the boundar ies of industrial automation. “The GP20 isn’t just a robot; it’s the embodiment of cutting-edge technology, forging the path forward in industrial automation,” says John Mostert, Sales Manager at Yaskawa Southern Africa. With its state-of-the-art sensors, precision control systems, and intuitive programming capabilities, the GP20 offers a glimpse into the future of manufacturing. Its adaptive learning algo rithms ensure that it continually optimises its performance, making it an invaluable asset for industries seeking to stay ahead in the automation game. Redefining productivity In the manufacturing world, precision and speed are the parameters of success. The GP20 doesn’t just demonstrate this, it exemplifies it. With meticulous accuracy, it executes tasks with a level of precision that minimises errors and maximises ef ficiency. But precision alone isn’t enough in today’s fast-paced industrial environ ments. The GP20 matches precision with speed, delivering lightning-fast cycle times without compromising accuracy. “From material handling to inspection, welding and machining, the GP20 shines in a range of applications across the manufacturing and automation sectors,” says Mostert. Adapting to needs Manufacturing and automation needs are diverse, and the GP20 meets and exceeds

quality, while its speed guarantees rapid production. • Inspection: With advanced vision sys tems and meticulous attention to detail, the GP20 excels in quality control, en suring that only the finest products are sent out. • Welding and machining: The GP20’s precision and re peatability make it a valuable asset in welding and machining processes, where accuracy is paramount. Yaskawa’s GP20 robot is more than just a machine; it’s a technologi cal marvel that gives us a glimpse into the future of industrial auto mation. Its advanced technology, precision, speed, versatility, and reli ability redefine what’s possible in manu facturing and automation. As industries evolve, the GP20 paves the way, offering the tools needed to thrive in an ever-more complex landscape. Choose the GP20, and choose a future where auto mation knows no limits.

expectations. Its versatility knows no bounds. From ma terial handling to intricate assembly tasks, it can even transition between applica tions, streamlining processes across industries. With its modular end-effectors and adaptable programming, the GP20 is a versatile tool for any task at hand. Built to last The rigors of in dustrial environ ments demand unwavering reli ability. The GP20 is not just a robot; it’s a dependable component that is

able to operate in challenging conditions. Its robust construction and meticulous quality control ensure it can endure haz ardous production environments. It deliv ers consistent performance, minimising downtime and maximising productivity. Applications where GP20 Shines The GP20’s value shines in a range of ap plications across the manufacturing and automation sectors: • Material handling: Whether it’s moving heavy payloads or managing delicate materials with care, the GP20’s preci sion and capability make it a go-to choice for material handling tasks. • Assembly: In the world of intricate as sembly, the GP20’s precision ensures perfect fits and enhanced product

Yaskawa’s Motoman GP20 specifications Controlled axes


Max. payload [kg] Repeatability [mm]


±0.02 1802

Max. working range R [mm]

Temperature [ºC]

0 to +45

Humidity [%] Weight [kg]

20 - 80

250 2.0

Average power draw [kVA]


November 2023


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