Capital Equiment News September 2023


Digitalisation protects assets

In the rapidly evolving landscape of asset management, the key to longevity and cost-effectiveness lies in regular maintenance. Technical studies have consistently shown that proper and timely maintenance significantly extends the lifespan of assets and results in substantial savings for asset owners. Conversely, neglecting assets due to poor management can lead to revenue loss and reputational damage.

C itadel House of Technologies, in recognition of these chal lenges, has unveiled Fortress Solutions, a powerful and cost-effective digital project and asset management solution (AMS). Fortress Solutions is set to redefine the way organisations manage projects and assets throughout their lifecycle, with a focus on achieving sustainable operational excellence, after launching in South Africa this month. Digital solutions to close the gap Within the realm of Asset Management Systems (AMS), there is a noticeable scarcity of software tools geared towards proactive asset management. This gap forces many companies to rely on reactive maintenance strategies. Fortress Solutions, developed by Citadel House of Technologies, has set out to address the gap by offering a proactive approach to asset management. According to Nyiko Chabalala, a Research and

framework. At the core of Fortress Solutions is a comprehensive seven-stage lifecycle management process, with a particular focus on operations management. This holistic approach aims to address the critical need for practitioners to manage projects and assets throughout their entire lifecycle. The seven stages encompass Inception, Concept and Viability, Design Development, Documentation and Procurement, Contract Administration and Inspection, Close-Out, and Operations Management. Asset lifecycles The asset lifecycle commences with planning, a mission-critical function for organisations striving to maximise productivity. Fortress Solutions guides organisations through the intricacies of a seven stage procedure, which includes Inception, Concept and Viability, Design Development, Documentation and

Development Engineer at Citadel House of Technologies, “Numerous technical studies reveal that maintaining assets on a regular basis results in a substantially longer lifespan of the asset, and in addition, if the maintenance is carried out at optimal intervals, this results in much more cost-effective maintenance, resulting in substantial savings for the owner of the asset. Deterioration of assets due to poor asset and project management results in revenue loss and ultimately reputational damage.” Project management In the world of asset management and maintenance, project management plays an integral role. Every new contract undertaken by management or maintenance practitioners undergoes a meticulous project management process, from initiation to the asset’s final handover to the client. Fortress Solutions sets itself apart by seamlessly integrating project management into its operational


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