Capital Equipment News April 2022
that all the team members work safely, as well as a fall protection plan induction for all workers at height. Hein Stapelberg, MD of Gravity Access, says the starting point in preventing complacency is for frontline workers and their supervisors to receive proper training in order to ensure that they are equipped
with the necessary skills, knowledge and experience to do their work safely and efficiently. “To complement this,” he says, “companies must then focus on developing a culture of safety, where top management leads by example and clear guidance and safe operating standards are in place, well
“Worker complacency and the incorrect use of safety equipment can be prevented when the correct steps are taken during a pre-use planning process.”
Blaize Wulfsohn, GM: Compliance & Enterprise Risk Management at Eazi Access
Evolution Height Safety offers fall arrest and rope access harnesses and equipment.
“IWH recognised training modules are a good start but they are not necessarily enough to curb accidents and falls on their own.”
Hein Stapelberg, MD of Gravity Access
“The risk of operating MEWPs is reduced by continuous training and refresher courses for workers.”
Jabulani Skhosana, training facilitator and fall protection planner at Evolution Height Safety
A fall arrest harness from Evolution Height Safety.
communicated and integrated into their day to-day activities. IWH training On the question of whether the Institute of Work at Height (IWH) training is sufficient to curb accidents and falls, Wulfsohn explains that the IWH approved training provides trainees with sufficient training and knowledge to assess the risks and safely operate MEWPs, so reducing the likelihood of accidents and falls. “Curbing accidents and falls therefore relies heavily on operators being properly trained and certified.” He says the training endorsed by the IWH
“IWH training is sufficient to minimise accidents and falls but the IWH depends on SAQA in terms of the unit standards, which haven’t changed for some time.”
Johan Vorster, CEO of Evolution Height Safety
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