Capital Equipment News August 2015
SAFEMINE HELPS SOUTH AFRICAN MINES meet new DMR safety regulations
A s of 27 May 2015, South Africa’s De- partment of Mineral Resources’ regu- lations are in force, calling upon sur- face mines to enhance safety for all Trackless Mobile Machinery (TMM) such as haul trucks. To meet the new requirements, South African mines continue to choose SAFEmine safety technology. Central to SAFEmine’s appeal is its world-leading Collision Avoidance System (CAS) which helps mines improve safety and efficiency, through protecting both human and mechanical assets. SAFEmine CAS has been at work in more than 9 000 mining ve- hicles across South Africa for over five years. In the past couple of months; five additional large mine sites have committed to install- ing the new, fully compatible, 3 rd generation SAFEmine CAS onto their fleets. SAFEmine CAS is proven to significantly re- duce mining accidents and save millions of Rands by reducing the risk of business dis- ruption and maintenance costs. The Mainte- nance Superintendent at Premier Coal Mine Western Australia, states: “Premier had a more than 53 % reduction in metal-to-metal contacts within the year following SAFEmine
to deliver extensible solutions that save lives. SAFEmine is part of Hexagon Mining, the only global provider of surface and underground smart mining solutions that integrate design, planning, and operations technologies for safer, more productive mines. SAFEmine is distributed in Southern Africa by its autho- rised distribution partner Trysome Auto Elec- trical (Pty) Ltd. Trysome Auto-Electrical, is the largest, single-source supplier of auto-elec- trical, heavy-duty components and collision avoidance systems in Southern Africa. Established in 1991 by Edwin William Smith, Trysome is well represented countrywide with its head office in Gauteng and regional offic- es in Mpumalanga, Western Cape, KwaZulu Natal, Northern Cape and North West. Across the border, Trysome operates branches in Zambia and Mozambique and has recently appointed Authorised Distributors in Botswa- na and Namibia. In addition to parts and systems supply, Trysome boasts a Field Service Division that plays a vital role in customer service, offering technical back-up and Man-on-Site services to its customers throughout the region.
full implementation.” The online fleet moni- toring tool enables managers to track all ve- hicles and equipment to increase efficiency and prevent abuse and theft. The entire fleet is viewable in real-time on any smart phone, computer, or tablet. In response to increasing fatigue-related inci- dents, SAFEmine has developed a three pillar approach to fatigue monitoring for increased reliability. The appearances of operators, their body clocks, and reaction to traffic when op- erating are analysed. The FatigueMonitor is the only provider to integrate fatigue moni- toring and collision avoidance in one device. Highlights of SAFEmine CAS include: • 360 º protection at any speed or visibility • New technology to detect all obstacles, including pedestrians • Technology available to slow down and stop equipment such as haul trucks • 3 rd generation available, with new nuisance alarm elimination technology • Many contractors are already equipped and familiar with SAFEmine CAS Companies committed to safer surface min- ing turn to SAFEmine, the leader in Collision Avoidance and Fatigue Monitoring systems,
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