Capital Equipment News August 2023
John Deere’s Demo programme underpins improved grader sales
The evolution of John Deere graders from the first grader launched in 1967 to its most recent, the technologically advanced G and GP models, have all been key in positioning John Deere amongst the world’s top suppliers of motor graders. Capital Equipment News recently spoke to Griffiths Makgate: Construction & Forestry Sales Manager for Africa about John Deere’s range of graders, their performance, and their uptake by the sectors.
A ccording to Makgate, the function of graders is to prepare the road, angling it to allow for water run off, and to establish deeper trenches to the sides of the road. “These heavy-duty machines are designed to smooth a rough terrain and ensure a suitable surface for the movement of large equipment transporting ore and goods from pit to processing plant. They are precision machines that level the land to within a millimetre of the required angle.” Since the production of the first grader, the JD 570, John Deere’s product range has evolved to meet industry’s needs for improved performance, lower fuel consump tion and increased safety. “The JD 570 grader was equipped with a scarifier that was located at the front of the machine and, given that the safety requirements at the time were not as strin gent as they are today, the unprotected cab allowed the operator to sit or stand while operating the machine. Today, the latest products are technologically advanced, containing enclosed fit-for-comfort cabs and surpassing the safety standards required by the mining sector.” John Deere’s latest range offers some of the most innovative graders, including the 870G/GP and 872G/GP models, which come in three options – the Tandem Drive, a four-wheel drive option and the Hydrostatic six-wheel front wheel drive equipped with the latest technology, including Auto-Shift PLUS, which reduces foot movement by up to 65%; machine pre-sets to boost efficien cy; and Blade Flip to streamline grading passes, amongst others. The equipment supplier currently offers eight grader models in different configu rations, including the 620G/GP ,622G/GP, 670G/GP, 672G/GP, 770G/GP, 772G/GP as well as the 870G/GP and 872G/GP models.
A selection of John Deere Graders.
The function of graders is to prepare the road, angling it to allow for water run-off.
platform for its client-base to engage with and fully test its products, has led to an increased interest in the product range and subsequently a massive uptake of John Deere graders. In fact, 2023 is proving to be exceptional in terms of product sales. While product demonstrations (demos) have long been part of the company’s strategy, this year John Deere’s suppliers
have extended the hours and the reach of the demos. “To ensure that clients get the full expe rience of the machines, we offer extended hours for the demos, and this has allowed customers at different sites to compare as pects such as fuel consumption and produc tivity, amongst others.” John Deere dealers running the demo programmes across South Africa include AFGRI, Senwes, Mascor. b
Demo programmes According to Makgate, John Deere’s “intentional strategy” of providing a
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