Capital Equipment News December 2021

Inside the Epiroc control tower.

in every department where it is introduced.” “Bell Equipment’s role,” says Badenhorst, “is to create aware- ness that we’re moving towards a digital world and to let customers know what solutions are available to assist them with their production and maintenance goals. “Once they become aware, they will realise that they must reinvent some career paths within their companies. You no lon- ger need a person to perform physical surveying, but can train them in drone piloting skills and use this technology to perform remote surveying from the safety of their office or home.” He says the 4IR is also an era of constant disruption where a person can be trained in the use of a software program or app which can be updated or replaced at any time by different software or a new, more efficient app. An example could be a parts administrator who can be reskilled to operate a 3D printer to print basic parts that needn’t be kept in stock,” he says. “It is a process of constant reskilling.” Demand for training “Every client we interact with,” says Van Jaarsveld, “requires some form of training. The demand is always there but the willingness to pay for training is sometimes lacking at some of our customer sites.” Van Deventer says training and development discussions vary from customer to customer. “When we discuss the introduction of new equipment and technology, the demand for training is high to ensure that the workforce is trained. There will always be a demand for train- ing as experienced employees leave customers’ employ and new recruits must be trained.” He says that, although the price of training is considered to be high, an untrained workforce unfamiliar with the equip- ment will result in more downtime, production losses and unnecessary replacement of costly components, whereas a trained workforce will result in a substantial cost reduction and productivity improvement. Training and upskilling are therefore an essential investment. Badenhorst says the demand for online and digital training services has increased and, as the adoption rate increases, more customers are expected to enrol and equip their staff for a digital world. Adoption to the changes that the 4IR brings to the yel- low-metal industry can be slow but as an OEM we can play a part in awareness and education of our customers, allowing them to have a connected product experience that is more efficient and convenient. b


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