Capital Equipment News February 2019
ALLU to launch new products and solutions at bauma 2019
CASE gives operators the control CASE will showcase its new compact wheel loader models with electrohy- draulic controls. With more than 20 sensors and 20 electrohydraulic actua- tors installed on the machine, the new technology will improve operator con- trollability, provide the option to select different operating modes and allow for combined movements. Operators will have greater control over the hydraulic speed for travel and unloading. Egidio Galano, CASE compact prod- uct line director, explains the reason for this new development: “Our cus- tomers have driven this change. We know that automated functions reduce operator fatigue and allow operators to be more productive, even for those with less experience. We have taken proven electrohydraulic technology that has been a huge success in our G-series wheel loaders and adapted it for use in these more compact models. Moving to electrohydraulic controls improves the operator experience by reducing the number of manual tasks that they must perform, but also gives a smoother, effortless feel to the joystick so that operators can work all day without fatigue,” says Galano. “The automated sensors power better feedback systems, alerting the operator to faults and optimising machine functions to deliver fuel savings. The machines will show increased productivity and increased engine efficiency, which will deliver a marked decrease in the total cost of ownership,” adds Galano. b ALLU will be exhibiting and demonstrating equipment from its Transformer, Processor and other equipment ranges at bauma 2019. In addition to its existing state of the art equipment solutions being exhibited at the show, ALLU will also be introducing new products and solutions. These include: The new and upgraded ALLU Mobile App with new functions aimed at helping improve customers’ productivity and jobsite safety, whilst also providing enhanced customer service. ALLU TS blade structure with two frag- ment sizes and a new blade thickness of 8 mm. ALLU TS doubling/tripling new blade variations for combinations of between 8 mm right up to 105 mm providing more possibilities with one ALLU.
The TS blades are a modern development for the screener/ crusher market, with ALLU set to deliver new levels of efficiency and productivity with the new blade variations. The new blade structure will further enable customers to utilise their ALLU Transformer in more than way. The ALLU Mobile App is the latest development of ALLU’s state-of-the-art communication
system. This provides an intelligent digital solution for customers and operators to obtain accurate and timely operational information, thereby maximising safe and
productive use of ALLU equipment. Through easier and improved contact functionality, customer support is also enhanced through the new features of the App. b
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