JULY 2015
olvo Days was first held in 1958 and
has grown since then to become the
most significant annual event in Volvo
Construction Equipment’s calendar.
The event, held in June this year allowed
invited guests to explore Volvo products and
services by machine range and segment –
from Volvo Construction Equipment, Volvo
Trucks, Volvo Penta and Volvo Financial Ser-
vices – in the town where Volvo Construction
Equipment first began life in 1832. Guests
were able to walk around the machines,
watch them in action in a demo show, dis-
cuss features and benefits with product ex-
perts, and test drive them for themselves.
This year approximately 7 000 guests are
expected to attend.
With a forward-thinking theme Volvo Days
2015 reinforced the Volvo Group’s com-
mitment to innovation, as well as providing
long-term and environmentally-sustainable
solutions for customers. The environment a
major area of activity within the Volvo orga-
nization will plays a particularly significant
role in the company’s ever popular machine
During its 57 year history Volvo Days has
had several homes in Sweden but has been
a regular fixture at the demo field in Eskilstu-
na since 1976. The accompanying Custom-
er Center was first established in 1985 and
this year celebrates its 30th anniversary.
Since its opening the Customer Center has
welcomed some 700 000 visitors, including
customers, dealers, journalists and dignitar-
ies from all over the world. Last year (2014),
more than 30,000 visitors stepped through
its doors.
The Customer Center together with the
demo field is one of the largest facilities of
its type in the industry, spanning 75 hect-
ares and housing over 90 machines with the
space to demonstrate them all on different
terrains and at varying gradients, highlight-
ing the full extent of their potential.
“Volvo Days is our chance to give our
guests a real insight into the Volvo brand,
its heritage and the expertise behind our
machines,” says Tomas Kuta, President of
Volvo Construction Equipment Sales Region
EMEA. “We are constantly developing our
facilities and test-driving capabilities in or-
der to remain as the industry leader in this
Tomas Kuta