Capital Equipment News June 2015
in 26 countries. In 2014, the Group will pre- sumably achieve a sales figure of more than EUR 18 billion with approximately 72 000 employees. In order to continue to be suc- cessful with innovative products, ZF annually invests about five percent of its sales (2014: around EUR 890 million) in research and de- velopment. ZF is one of the ten largest auto- motive suppliers worldwide. ZF Services ensures that ZF systems exper- tise is carried forward consistently into the aftermarket. With integrated solutions and the entire ZF product portfolio, the business unit guarantees the performance and effi- ciency of vehicles throughout their lifecycle. Driveline and chassis technology by ZF is offered in the aftermarket business using the well-established product brands Sachs, Lemförder, Boge, ZF Lenksysteme, and ZF Parts. With its global service network and portfolio tailored to customer requirements, ZF Services has also become a popular part- ner in the non-automotive sector. In 2015, the company is celebrating its centennial. Originally named Zahnradfabrik GmbH, ZF was founded in Friedrichshafen in 1915 by Luftschiffbau Zeppelin GmbH among others. In its early years, the com- pany developed, tested, and manufactured aircraft transmissions. After 1919, the com- pany focus shifted under Alfred Graf von Soden-Fraunhofen, the first Managing Direc- tor and later member of the Board of Man- agement and CEO, to the automotive and commercial vehicle industry. In this sector, the company established itself once and for all as a major technology supplier, registering numerous patents for innovative transmission technology. The first location outside Europe was founded in Brazil in 1958, launching a globalization drive that still continues today. In addition, ZF constantly expanded its range of expertise – also through acquisitions. For instance, in 1984 ZF acquired the majority share in Lemförder Metallwaren & Co. KG, a move which extended the product portfo- lio to include chassis technology. Later, in 2001, ZF took over Mannesmann Sachs AG to strengthen its value creation chain with driveline and chassis components. It adopt- ed the current name of ZF Friedrichshafen AG in 1992. Today’s product range includes driveline and chassis technology such as transmissions, driveline and chassis compo- nents, as well as complete axle systems and modules. ZF products are used in passenger cars, commercial vehicles, construction and agricultural machinery, rail vehicles, and ma- rine applications. The company also focuses on the wind power and electronic compo- nents business. b
ZF SERVICES SOUTH AFRICA introduces the Lemförder brand
W ith more than 13 000 steering and chassis components for passenger cars and commercial vehicles, the ZF Services brand Lemförder, is already a strong and well established partner in the independent spare parts business world- wide – and is now once again markedly ex- panding its footprint into the South African market. From older generation vehicles to recently launched models, ZF Services and so its brand Lemförder has components which demonstrate the innovative power of the ZF Group. Steering and chassis components represent the most important link between the vehi- cle and the road. Control arms, stabilizers, or torque rods, ensure safety, comfort and road holding when driving. Only absolute precision in the design, manufacture and assembly of all components ensures that a commercial vehicle or bus can be safely controlled at all times. The established Lemförder product brand from ZF Services therefore stands not only for OE quality, but also provides extensive technological expertise through its service portfolio that includes training, product de- velopment and support which enables work- shops to easily identify and repair defective parts. Up to 70 steering and chassis com-
ponents may be installed in a single vehicle. As they are safety parts, they are subject to special diligence during design, production, and assembly. Chassis components for trucks by the ZF Services brand Lemförder increase pay- load, reduce fuel consumption, and optimize driving support. In order to ensure safe axle guidance, trucks and buses require torque rods which are also referred to as axle guiding control arms, axle control arms, or, when on the front axle, thrust rods. These parts connect the axle with the frame in a longitudinal, transverse, or diagonal man- ner. The precision products from Lemförder guarantee an accurate axle guidance. This contributes to reducing tire wear. The weight is reduced with torque rods thanks to design optimizations, e.g. through the utilization of casting technology. In doing so, the chassis as a safety part is always the priority for us. Lemförder steering parts have prevailed on the truck and bus market thanks to zero maintenance, low weight, an individual and space-saving design, as well as long service life. The spare parts for the aftermarket also feature this original equipment quality.
ZF is a global leader in driveline and chassis technology with 122 production companies
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