Capital Equipment News June 2015
P MSA sales and marketing manager Quintin Booysen says that the Fiori DBX35 fills a gap in the local market for an affordable and reliable self-loading concrete mixer that offers the user accu- rate measurement without the need for ad- ditional equipment. “It is the ideal self-load- ing mixer for the price-conscious customer, and therefore I am confident of obtaining measurable market share across Sub-Sa- haran Africa,” he adds. The new Fiori DBX35 is designed specif- ically for emerging markets in Africa that require high-quality concrete on demand at a more affordable price. It was unveiled at the Totally Concrete 2015 exhibition at the Sandton Convention Centre, Johannesburg in mid-May by PMSA, the largest supplier of concrete brick, block and paving-making machinery and technology in Africa. The Italian-designed and manufactured mix- er forms part of an entire range from Fiori, with a smaller and larger unit available as entry-level machines. To make the DBX35
more affordable, all non-essential parts were removed and certain design aspects adjusted. Fiori’s quality standards have, however, remained uncompromised. Two major design enhancements are the in- troduction of front loading arms and a grab bucket, which replaces the standard bucket found on other Fiori machines. This design change was implemented as a cost-saving benefit for up-and-coming contractors un- able to afford a capital-intensive weighing system for material measurement. “The Fiori DBX35 is the ideal self-loading mixer for customers who have not budgeted for a separate weighing system to measure all aggregates, as the grab bucket allows the user to measure materials more accurately when loading the bucket, which can be filled up to 90 percent capacity. This is not possi- ble with a standard bucket design,” explains Booysen.
including more accurate volumetric loading and reduced loading times, thanks to the positioning and inclination of the drum. Its compact design also results in considerable transportation savings. “Two Fiori DBX35 self-loading mixers can fit into one standard 140 m 3 shipping contain- er, which halves transportation costs when compared to other similar-sized competitor mixers. This is another major value-add in terms of ensuring affordability, without com- promising on efficiency or reliability,” points out Booysen. b
The Fiori DBX35 self-loading mixer offers additional benefits to the African market,
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