Capital Equipment News June 2015
SOUTH AFRICAN rail system back on track By Pierre Sanson
W e all know how the South African rail system has been decimated over the years and are familiar with the long standing cry for the system to be re-vamped. Well, this is finally coming into fruition. Rail, in its heyday was regarded as the most cost-effective means of transport, not only for passengers but for goods as well. Most of the country’s commuter rail system, has reached the end of its lifespan and has been earmarked for improvement. The ambitious programme, which is now un- derway, will in the next five years hopefully come to fruition with the introduction of new rail stock and technology into the system. The increase in peoples’ movement and corresponding road traffic is posing serious challenges for the country’s economy. The massive increase in long distance travel in South Africa has put a major strain on road and air traffic, which can only be addressed through a rapid rail system, be it commuter or inter-city.
Town and Musina in Limpopo which will form the basis of the revitalised programme.
in suburban rail transport which includes the robust design-proven X’Trapolis family and its X’Trapolis Mega (MEtric Gauge)-a safe, reliable and comfortable train, specifically designed for South Africa. South African artisans are working with ex- perienced teams in Brazil where the first 20 trains are being manufactured using a sig- nificant percentage of South African content. This is part of the skills transfer required for the local build of the remaining 580 units. Confidence is running high and the project is well advanced with seven body shells being completed in Brazil and assurances that the first trains will start rolling off the local as- sembly line in 2017. This programme is of national importance and there is no doubt that all challenges have to be overcome in order that the coun- try and its people maintain a positive eco- nomic growth structure. b
Gibela Rail Transport RF (Pty) Ltd (Gibela) is the new, empowered South African rail company, selected to breathe life into the country’s commuter rail network and its century-old train building capacity was launched in July 2014. Gibela is a South African rail company born out of a consor- tium consisting of, Alstom Southern Africa, New Africa Rail and Ubumbano, that was awarded the contract worth R51 bn as part of PRASA’s 10-year rolling stock programme to design, manufacture and deliver 600 pas- senger trains. The company has established a state-of-the-art manufacturing facility in Ekurhuleni, Gauteng where it has localised the manufacture of components for the new fleet and at the same time created jobs on a sizeable scale. In tandem with managing local content of more than 65%, Gibela facilitates the development of local rail-sector relevant skills and the transfer of technical know-how. As Gibela’s majority shareholder and major supplier, Alstom plays a significant role in the transfer of historical technological expertise
Four high-speed rail projects have been identified in Johannesburg, Durban, Cape
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