Capital Equipment News June 2015
FAW LAUNCHES multi-purpose medium truck range
A t the recent launch of the new FAW 8-140 FL truck range, Yusheng Zhang, CEO of FAW Vehicle Man- ufacturers SA, explained the rationale behind the introduction of a new, preci- sion-designed, medium-sized truck range. “Our decision to introduce a medium weight truck range was based on customer demand and market opportunity. Our market analysis confirmed the need for a vehicle as durable and rugged as our heavy and extra-heavy trucks, but with smaller dimensions to handle a different working environment. “We’ve had a presence in South Africa since 1994 – so this year marks our ‘rite of pas- sage’. Throughout this period, we have demonstrated our commitment to this coun- try and our loyal customers. “The latest investment we have made in acquiring special tooling for this new me- dium-sized truck range and the specialised training, which is still on-going, combined with that of the last four years totals in ex- cess of ZAR 800 million to date. This includes our truck body-building facility which opened in January this year and our manufacturing plant commissioned in July last year – both based at Coega, just outside Port Elizabeth.” FAW Vehicle Manufacturers SA took a strate- gic decision to redesign and re-engineer the China-version of the truck to be perfectly suit- ed to local medium truck demands. The FAW team paid special attention to cost efficiency
combined with the best possible payload and the best turnaround time, without forgetting FAW’s quality build standards for durability and reliability. “The new FAW 8.140 FL carries all the hall- marks that FAW trucks are renowned for, namely strength, reliability, easy operation, and most importantly, delivering on the prom- ise of a ‘truck built for Africa, in Africa’.” Imported from parent plants as SKD kits, the cab, chassis, axles and other sub-assem- bly components, together with the imported Cummins ISF engine and the ZF transmis- sion, are all neatly assembled in the brand new Coega-based plant. Since its opening, the plant has employed over 100 new employees, all of whom have been freshly trained and up-skilled for medi- um truck production. As demand for the new range and the existing heavy and extra-heavy FAW trucks increases, new job opportunities will be created.
The FAW 8.140 FL will be available from FAW dealers in a number of body derivatives – a drop-side, a taut-liner option, a van body, a tip- per and a rollback and a dry-freight insulated body. Customers may choose to buy the chassis cab and fit their own truck bodies to suit many other applications, up to a GCM of 14 ton. The parallel chassis frame and smooth top flange chassis construction has a distinct low-weight advantage, especially when mounting a steel sub-frame cargo body. The locally built chassis passes through a special paint station to enhance the chassis’ dust and dirt endurance and longevity – a unique South African addition. The suspension is of the straight ladder-type with semi-elliptical leaf springs, together with front double acting shock absorbers and rear auxiliary springs. The axles, graded for a permissible 3 ton in front and 6 ton at the back, provide ample carrying capacity. The new FAW cab is a forward 45° tilt, cab- over engine design. It is based on ergonomic principles and provides easy servicing ac- cess. The digital instrumentation panel and all controls are placed well within reach of the average-sized South African driver. Materials used are durable and smooth, yet comfort- able and sturdy. The 2-m wide cab allows for a three-person-seat, with a foldable middle section. Radio and USB connection are stan- dard fitments.
The total capacity of the plant is 5 000 units per annum.
“The introduction of the new FAW 8.140 FL follows closely on the international introduc- tion by our China-based parent company. We decided to do this so that local customers can also experience FAW’s latest technological advances built at international quality levels,” said Zhang.
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