JUNE 2016
ownership of industrial equipment – rather
than just the purchase price – and making
the most of the numerous refinements in the
evolution of compressor technology.
“What is important to most customers to-
day is the value that we can offer across the
life-span of their investment,” he said. “This
includes the technical efficiency of the equip-
ment itself – which has become a particularly
material factor after years of electricity price
hikes well above the rate of inflation; custom-
ers need to know that their plants will be as
energy-efficient as possible, or the cost of
ownership can quickly become uneconomic.”
Beyond the efficiency of the products, the
depth of expertise within CompAir and the
Gardner Denver group is able to help cus-
tomers identify broader inefficiencies in their
on-site installation.
“Our experts can often advise on design im-
provements that would raise the performance
of the plant as a whole, to avoid a situation
in which customers are investing in sys-
tems that are not optimally configured,” said
Willmers. “This is a vital part of the value that
we add in our partnerships with customers –
ensuring that we contribute wherever possi-
ble to the ongoing health of their businesses.”
No unplanned downtime
He said customers also want to know that
the equipment will not cost them money in
unplanned downtime, as breakdowns and
stoppages will generally incur much greater
costs and penalties than the actual repair. For
this reason, CompAir makes sure to provide
24/7 support, warranty terms, and high quality
parts always in stock. This is underpinned by
the industry-leading 10 year warranty.
Willmers noted the difficult trading conditions
facing most customers in CompAir’s industri-
al markets, which placed even greater pres-
sure on them to innovate for efficiency.
“We have no doubt that the presentations,
demonstrations and networking that took
place at our symposium at Emperors Palace
have given delegates that ‘edge’ they need in
order to prosper in this demanding climate,”
he said. “With our local support network and
the global resources of the Gardener Denver
operation, we are confident that CompAir’s
approach and expertise makes it the indus-
try partner of choice in vacuum and pressure