Capital Equipment News June 2023

Smart construction with the Epiroc SmartROC T25 R

B2W Software, a Trimble company and leading provider of heavy construction management software, has added extensive new alerts and notifications capabilities in the current release of its B2W Platform. The new features let contractors communi cate automatically and in real-time across the office, field and shop for further efficiency in resource scheduling, field performance track ing, and equipment maintenance workflows. “Things change constantly in construction, and immediate alerts and notifications are emerging as important options for getting information into the hands of people who need it, when they need it,” according to Bob Brown, general manager for B2W Software. More than two dozen actions taken in the B2W Schedule, B2W Track and B2W Maintain applications can now trigger immediate messages delivered to selected recipients by text message or email. These actions range from the creation of resource assignments and maintenance requests to the submission, approval or rejection of field logs and mechanic timecards. The B2W Track application for field performance tracking and analysis can now Epiroc launched a new surface flagship radio remote drill rig, SmartROC T25 R. The construction rig offers valuable fea tures such as an exceptional coverage area, terrain-ability, application versatility and a smart Rig Control System (RCS). These benefits future-proof digital func tions and help to reduce the rig's environ mental impact through fuel savings. The Smart technology includes a smart RCS control system, providing the rig with the highest technology and automation level within its segment. “We are excited to present this construc tion drill rig to the market, a rig that´s built on a completely new platform. SmartROC T25 R can lead the way within its segment, with its optimised coverage area, excellent terrainability, application versatility and smart RCS control system. This rig can make a real difference for our customers’ pro ductivity,” says Marcus Leü, Global Product Manager at Epiroc. The available boom options include a turn ing radius of either 45/45 or 90/90. This can be combined with a 5.5-or a 6.1-metre boom system, giving the new SmartROC T25 R cov erage areas of 28 m² (45/45) and 45 m² (90/90) respectively. These features are matched with a rotation unit which provides a 360-degree

The Epiroc SmartROC T25 R.

feed swing and a boom geometry that enables it to drill right next to the machine. This gives the SmartROC T25 R an excellent coverage area leading to high efficiency. The rig will have the highest efficiency in the segment thanks to its coverage area and stability. A low centre of gravity, wide crawler

spacing and a boom system with good manoeuvrability mean the new SmartROC T25 has excellent terrain-ability. The well-balanced rig with enhanced stability delivers a safe work environment and improved productivity when the rig can tram more efficiently and therefore enable more drilling time. b

Technology to address heavy construction workflows

trigger alerts and notifications when field logs (for crews) or work logs (for individ ual employees) are created, submitted, approved, rejected or transferred. B2W Maintain users can now generate and manage messages indicating when pre ventive maintenance services are due and for the creation and status of maintenance requests, work orders, and purchase orders. Electronic forms created with B2W Inform can also be set up to generate alerts and notifications based on the data entered into specific fields. Common examples include

the identification of a defect on an equip ment inspection form or notification of an injury on a safety incident form. Notifications regarding new or changed personnel assignments, equipment moves or material deliveries can be sent to employees or external recipients with the B2W Sched ule application for resource scheduling and dispatching. The May 2023 update includes enhancements for reviewing these notifi cations and for communicating acceptance, rejection or completion of the activities initiated by the alerts and notifications. b



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