Capital Equipment News May 2021
New load/haul monitoring systems have replaced haul truck tally sheets.
Protecting businesses during COVID-19 As aggregates and mining companies continue to look for ways to protect their businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic, Glen Webster, sales manager of Loadtech, says a range of newworkflows enabled by technology can help themwork better and increase efficiencies.
A ggregates and mining companies, as well as their contractor counter- parts are facing unprec- edented challenges, as is every other industry to a greater or lesser degree. But how do we deal with adversity and find workable solutions that will dictate a positive outcome in the future? Whereas we may have looked to the flexibility of our teams to help us through, we now have a range of new workflows enabled by technology to help us cope. Now is a great time to learn more about the options available and talk with technology partners about your unique challenges, your goals and how technology can work for you. Managers can help restore calm, mitigate spread and equip staff with tools to look after themselves and others. After any immediate
consider how to cut costs caused by waste and improve efficiency. Take preventive measures Embed good hygiene practices into your toolbox talks and walk- around inspections. The toolbox talk is a good time to discuss health and safety with your crew, including reminder advice to practice good hygiene, including frequent handwashing, covering your mouth with an arm during coughs and avoiding touching your face. Regular maintenance of the machine is well understood, so leverage the walk-around inspection as a time to also disinfect the cab, especially when multiple operators share a machine. Listen to fears and concerns There is plenty of misinformation and confusion around the pandemic,
isolation or quarantine strategies, how can smart aggregates and mining operations protect staff and customers, and reduce costs from their operations to weather the pandemic? Take a breath Every day, the news media confronts managers and teams alike. Take a breath, pause and think through your response. As more time passes, we understand the situation better, and a better understanding leads to more predictable outcomes. Wait to make decisions on reducing your workforce. It was tough to find skilled operators before, and you often can’t just hire someone with no experience, especially if you expect a rebound. Before taking drastic measures of reducing staff, us with updates of the spread. It can seem overwhelming for
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