Capital Equipment News May 2022

business sustainability must be based on effective engagement, investment and commitment to the local economy. Kwatani’s local empowerment strategy supports transformation and is compliant with the South African Mining Charter. “We work closely with local supply partners in our value chain – many of them being small businesses – to ensure quality systems and manufacturing capacity,” she says. “Customers can therefore be assured of quality throughout our products’ construction, with a reliable, sustainable and cost-effective local production base.” With its cost base rooted largely in the South African economy, Kwatani can offer customers a consistent pricing regime that is not vulnerable to frequent exchange rate fluctuations. This has added to the popularity of Kwatani’s products at home and abroad, with the company twice being recognised in the Exporter of the Year awards hosted by the South African Capital Equipment Export Council (SACEEC). “Our growth has allowed us to build our complement of competent staff, who are continuously upskilled to stay a step ahead of industry needs – with the help of our in-house training centre,” concludes Schoepflin. b

Large Kwatani double deck banana screens completed and ready for despatch to the end user.

unparalleled research and development regime,” adds Schoepflin. Kwatani continues to invest heavily in its capabilities at its Kempton Park

facilities, which employ and develop local expertise, while sustaining a strong supply chain of local players. Sandvik supports this model and shares the vision that


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