Capital Equipment News November 2016
IPD proves quality can be cost effective
Operators of earthmoving and mining equipment are facing a challenging period. The slump in commodity prices has had a major adverse impact on mining operations and a further knock-on effect on infrastructure delivery programmes. Fleet operators who are surviving in this challenging economic cycle have reinforced their proactive maintenance regime, which includes an attentive approach to the aftermarket replacement parts that they procure. Andrew Yorke, operations director at Metric Automotive Engineering, says these enterprising fleet owners and operators have struck a perfect balance between the cost and quality of the parts they use in their diesel engines. This has been achieved by using quality aftermarket parts that offer a more cost-effective alternative to original parts, but meet or often exceed original equipment manufacturers’ (OEMs) exacting standards. These companies do not sacrifice the overall performance of their engines by taking a short-sighted view on critical diesel engine components. This is despite procurement departments often being incentivised to buy critical parts at the Incorrect diagnosis of fuel injection sys- tems is causing fleet operators substantial losses, and Warren Hauser, operations manager at Reef Fuel Injection Services (RFI), a leading accredited fuel injection system remanufacturer in southern Africa, is concerned that this not as apparent as it should be to industry. Modern fuel injection systems require that fuel be delivered at a specific volume and pressure. Because the tolerances for fuel pressure variations are small, it is extremely important that a logical series of diagnostic tests are performed to ensure an accurate diagnosis when problems occur. Hauser says that it is essential that diagnostics are conducted on professional test equipment capable of accurately examining the performance of fuel injectors and injection systems. “It is only by doing the relevant test regime on equipment that is regularly calibrated that the customer can be assured of an accurate report,” says Hauser. “And it is this diagnostics data that is used to effect reliable repair work to injectors or complete fuel injection systems.” RFI is an experienced accredited fuel injection system remanufacturer, and
lowest possible price and therefore com- promising the entire diesel engine refur- bishment cycle. Yorke is concerned that the low cost pirate parts do not meet the high perfor- mance standards demanded by modern sophisticated diesel engines that operate in some of the most arduous environments and conditions. They may not achieve the expected remanufacture life and in exten- uating circumstances may contribute to catastrophic engine failure. “OEMs continue to find ways of signifi- cantly improving the horsepower of their diesel engines. By introducing more power into the power plant, parts are subjected to increased stresses, increased combustion pressures and temperatures,” says Yorke. Metric Automotive Engineering is the southern African distributor of IPD Parts, which are being used by some of the country’s leading operators of “yellow” and “white” metal for their diesel engine maintenance and remanufacturing require- ments. These parts are manufactured in a state-of-the-art factory that carries ISO 9001 certification. However, it is IPD Parts’ ongoing invest- ment into research and development that through ongoing investment in equipment and personnel, it has established its position as one of few such companies that can service all five leading diesel fuel injection systems – Bosch, Caterpillar, Delphi, Denso and Stanadyne. RFI operates state-of-the-art electronic diagnostic equipment which allows its technicians to access fuel systems on vehicle to check and diagnose. Hauser says that it is not only access to the latest technology that provides the quality service, but also skilled technicians that have extensive product knowledge. “This facilitates the accurate diagnosis of all fuel injection problems,” he says. Commenting on the issue of incorrect diagnostics, Hauser says it is a worrying scenario and can be attributed largely to situations where a dealer is ill equipped and does not have skilled fuel injection system technicians, but still does the diag- nostic work. “These injectors are then sent to a third party repairer, and we have had several instances where we had to assist customers who have found themselves in a predicament where the fuel injection sys- tem problem was misdiagnosed, resulting in wasted time and money,” says Hauser.
IPD Parts patented a new friction welded one-piece piston.
continues to provide a key competitive edge in the replacement parts market. This is reflected by its patented new friction welded one-piece piston. By combining the crown and skirt, the piston is better placed to withstand thermal loading, while limiting plate movement and securing the oil gallery retention plate firmly in-place. Yorke agrees that challenging operating conditions require very careful manage- ment of costs, but these decisions need to take into consideration the performance expectations of diesel engine components, as well as the impact that they will have on the operation of the power plant. b The most important advantage that RFI offers is it is a single source remanufactur- er where the diagnostics and the remanu- facture are done in the same facility. “Most significant to the customer is the access to rapid information, the responsiveness shown through ongoing communication and interaction with the fleet owner. This not only minimises the vehicle downtime, but through accurate diagnostics, ensures that the correct repair work is done,” adds Hauser. b
Correct diagnostics of fuel injection systems cuts costs
RFI is the only service centre in Gauteng able to conduct Delphi authorised testing and coding of C3i injectors.
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