Capital Equipment News November 2022
W hether it’s a line-up of trucks or yellow equipment, there is something to be said for the rapid pace at which hydrogen and electric models are continually being introduced. For CO 2 emissions regulations in Europe, it makes sense that these new machines are incorporated into fleets. In South Afri ca, there’s the hope that once the machines land, they will assist businesses to cut fuel consumption (and save money on opera
tional costs) while ensuring South Africa can start playing a role against climate change. Suppose you follow the news on Eskom and the country’s reliance on coal-fired power stations. In that case, these ma chines might seem like a drop in the ocean towards sustainability. Still, the owners of the machines are ensuring they contribute to a carbon offset and potentially also additional investment as a result of the individual company’s investment in sustain able or ‘green’ equipment In Africa, this kind of equipment is not readily available. Even in Europe and North America, hydrogen-fuelled and electric equipment is still novel and produced on a small scale–not every site is populated with machines powered by alternative fuel. This is why it remains sensible that lower fuel consumption continue to be considered in South Africa, at least until more alternatives become available and more equipment has the option of alternative fuel. It is here that the capital equipment industry shines. Take note, paging through this edition of Capital Equipment News , how SANY, XCMG, CAT and Simex all offer newer models with lower fuel consump tion. On the smaller side of available equipment, e-solutions are affording com panies like Doosan and CAT the chance to explore new technologies within compact equipment. The result is customer-driven
solutions that are also environmentally friendly. These compact machines are loaded with features and offer operators and owners ease of mind when it comes to daily operations. They are slowly starting to cut costs associated with running equip ment on the ground. The same can be said within freight. Trucks and buses are steadily adopting e-solutions. As a result, bigger trucks that can carry heavier loads are no longer that reliant on octane or diesel. Locally, JAC Motors South Africa shows that smaller and more versatile trucks are favourable on the country’s roads. Its N75 EV 4-tonne truck is a zero-emission beast that allows company owners to start incor porating equipment that does not rely on traditional fuel sources into existing fleets. The flexibility of adding smaller trucks can help organic growth, in that, once bigger models of equipment become available with alternative fuel sources, the smaller models in a fleet are already seen as vital owing to their ease of use. Embracing sustainable solutions was one of the major themes of Bauma 2022. Major companies and manufacturers are galvanizing their focus on offering function al equipment that is not damaging to the environment. Seeing these changes reflect ed on the pages of this magazine indicates what is to come, and what is happening at present.
Adriaan Roets - EDITOR
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