Capital Equipment News November 2023

University of Pretoria launches mobile testing facility

A state-of-the-art mobile soils laboratory was launched at the Engineering 4.0 complex on the Hillcrest campus of the University of Pretoria in collaboration with Anglo American. This mobile laboratory will enable sen sitive soil samples such as mine tailings to be subjected to a range of sophisticat ed soil tests where they are recovered. Sample disturbance associated with long-distance transport to laboratories is avoided by the use of this mobile laboratory and is relevant in particular to tailings samples that are often soft and fragile. This improves our capability to as sess the influence of the in-situ state and fabric of the material and apply this to our analyses of the facility’s performance. The soil testing capability brought about by the new mobile laboratory is especially important to the mining industry which is committed to prioritising the stability of their tailings dams striving to achieve the ultimate goal of zero harm to people and the environment with zero tolerance for human fatality. The laboratory, housed in an eight-ton

The mobile laboratory, housed in an eight-ton truck, at the University of Pretoria Hatfield Campus.

Tailings engineering is currently a rapidly advancing field of research around the world. In addition to existing research facilities such as the only active geotechnical centrifuge on the African continent, this mobile laboratory places the University of Pretoria in collaboration with Anglo American in a unique position to contribute significantly to advance the state-of-the-art in the important field of Tailings Engineering. b

truck, is equipped with four advanced tri axial test systems capable of local strain measurements, two dynamic cyclic simple shear systems, an automated oedometer system and ancillary equipment. In addi tion to allowing the state of tailings dams to be assessed from the highest quality samples, the availability of state-of-the art equipment will significantly advance research into tailings behaviour at the University of Pretoria.

Total belt solutions for absolute reliability

Becker Mining South Africa has developed a total belt management system package, that ensures absolute reliability and optimum safety of conveyor belts used in surface and underground mining. Becker Mining’s new belt management solutions encom pass a range of advanced Becker systems, that are known for dependable performance and ex tended service life in demanding mining conditions. “This comprehensive belt package includes motor protec tion, multiple communication platforms, gas and fieldbus mon itoring, surveillance, belt mon

The total belt solution offered by Becker Mining South Africa.

itoring and rip detection systems. Other options include Pull Key, flameproof and non-flameproof motor drives, as well as dust suppression and distributed sensing systems,” explains Rick Jacobs, Senior General Manager (SGM) for Consumables, Becker Mining South Africa. “An import ant advantage of our modular design is customers can select which systems are necessary for each installation and as re quirements change, systems can be easily modified and upgraded.

“The highly experienced Becker Mining design and production team is committed to ensuring the efficient performance of every conveyor belt system and providing optimum safety for every worker. This is achieved by using the latest technologies and advanced materials when design ing and manufacturing its products and systems. Each component in the belt solu tions system is manufactured to stringent quality and safety standards.” The company’s Smartcom leaky feeder

system ensures clear and reliable commu nications underground, at all times. A radi ating cable is installed underground along areas or sections where communication is required, with a range of frequency choices, such as VHF, UHF and various advanced LTE frequency spectrum options. This system has advanced technological features for reliability, flexibility and low maintenance requirements, offering multiple simultane ous voice and data radio channels, with low intermodulation noise levels. b


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