Capital Equipment News November 2023

Scania announces the launch of the Scania V8 770S

Southern Africa urgently needs to break the link between increasing demand for transport and increasing carbon emissions, noise, congestion and road accidents. To support this transition, Scania Southern Afri ca is launching the Scania V8 770S in South Africa. With improved energy efficiencies, low fuel consumption and decreased carbon emissions, legendary power no longer comes at the expense of the environment. Powered by a 16-litre Euro 6 compliant, 770hp engine, the Scania V8 770S can haul up to 90 tons. With this output, it will be one of the most powerful trucks on South Africa’s roads. With 3 700 Nm torque and a power take-off (PTO) of 800 Nm, the V8 770S delivers a new benchmark in pulling power. “Tested on a reference slope with a constant 15-kilometre uphill stretch, the V8 770S was so powerful, it had to be reined in,” says Erik Bergvall, Managing Director, Scania Southern Africa. The Scania V8 770’s real power comes from its sustainability credentials. “The V8 770S is the product of decades of Scania’s world-leading technological Hino Motors is set to mirror its parent company Toyota Motor Corporation by adopting a diverse powertrain strategy on its path to achieving carbon neutrality by the year 2050. This comprehensive plan covers the full life cycle of its vehicles, including their production, operation, and eventual disposal. Koji Toyoshima, the Chief Product and Project Officer at Hino, stressed the importance of reducing carbon emissions by enhancing fuel efficiency and incor porating a mix of electric, fuel cell, and hybrid technologies, alongside a transition to low-carbon fuels. Hino is intent on optimising its logistics system by using vehicles that are specifically suited to their operational roles. Hino’s strategy includes the standard isation of vehicle platforms across its model ranges, each fitted with the optimal powertrain for its specific application, be it battery electric, hydrogen fuel cell, or plug-in hybrid. In a bid for cost-effective innovation, the company is considering a universal internal combustion engine that can be adapted to various fuels, including diesel, liquid and gaseous compressed natural gas, and hydrogen. To reduce running costs, Hino has intro breakthroughs,” explains Bergvall. Every single component in the V8

ity while consolidating trips remove emissions from the environment,” says Bergvall. Emissions are further decreased through the Scania SCR (selective catalytic reduction) system. This proven after-treatment system ensures ex haust gases are released with minimum nitrogen oxide (NOx) content. By injecting AdBlue, a urea-based additive into the ex haust system, a chemical reaction takes place that converts the toxic nitrogen oxides into harmless water and nitrogen gases. “It is an easy-to-handle system, is proven reliable and does not affect torque or power,” explains Bergvall. b

engine started as a model on a computer. Software development means there is no limit to how many prototypes can be tried before the final one is built and tested. This has allowed for multiple technological updates that have delivered substantial sustainable performance benefits. The Euro 6-compliant V8 engine signifi cantly improves fuel efficiency. By using less fuel, the V8 770S emits fewer emis sions. A lighter engine translates into a weight saving of 75 kilograms. This allows for an optimised payload. “Hauling more cargo in one trip boosts fuel cost efficiencies and productiv

The Scania V8 770S.

Hino Motors is eyeing diverse powertrain strategies

Future concepts of trucks and buses, as envisioned by Hino.

duced a novel system whereby customers can purchase vehicles and batteries separately. This model allows for the use of standardised batteries across a range of vehicles, moving away from the traditional approach of integrating the cost of the battery into the vehicle’s price. Customers thus pay solely for the battery usage and the electricity required to charge it, with the option to exchange batteries that are low on charge for those that are fully charged. Beyond environmental aims, Hino recog nises several societal challenges impacting the transport sector, such as the welfare of drivers, the surge in logistics demand due

to e-commerce growth, and safety issues including road accidents and the threat of crime against drivers. The industry also faces challenges related to the ageing workforce and the perception of truck driving as a viable long-term career. Toyoshima advocates for a unified effort across the international trucking indus try to forge solutions that will improve employment conditions, promote workforce diversity, and boost safety with advanced safety equipment. Hino’s all-encompassing approach seeks to address not just environ mental targets but also the crucial human and operational elements that currently shape the transport sector. b


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