Chemical Technology April 2016
REGULAR FEATURES 3 Comment by John Butler-Adam
DESIGN AND MATERIALS 16 VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland - Research and piloting centre, Bioruukki
VTT opened its research and new pilot plant Bioruukki in Espoo, Finland, a year ago. The first stage comprised gasification and pyrolysis research activities. At the moment the biomass centre is under construction and will be opened this year. The Green Chemistry Centre of Bioruukki will follow in 2017-2019 and the Solar Centre in 2018-2019.
32 SAIChE IChemE News
33 SAIChE IChemE Spotlight
34 Etc
Transparency You Can See Average circulation (Q4 Oct – Dec 2015) 3 704
19 Focus on design and materials
36 Sudoku No 113 and solution to No 112
PUMPS AND VALVES 22 Are small operations sustainable?
COVER STORY 4 BMG boosts its fluid technology services
The intention of this article is not to produce a complete case study of the pumping of gravel, but to interest the reader in the sources of information and give examples of the procedures to be used when specifying pumping systems. by Carl Schonborn PrEng
Chemical Technology is endorsed by The South African Institution of Chemical Engineers
BMG’s expansion programme in the fluid technology sector, undertaken to meet growing market demand, encompasses new products and the latest developments in design technologies, materials and coatings.
PETROCHEMICALS 6 Processing light tight oil
26 Focus on pumps and valves
The refining industry has changed over the past few years with an ample supply of opportunity crude oils available. Opportunity crudes have been around for many years, but not until recently has the abundance of these discounted crudes changed the behaviour of refiners to shift away from their usual feedstocks. by Tim Olsen, Emerson Process Management
and the Southern African Association of Energy Efficiency
12 Focus on petrochemicals
DISCLAIMER The views expressed in this journal are not neces- sarily those of the editor or the publisher. Generic images courtesy of
Chemical Technology • April 2016
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