Chemical Technology April 2016
Instrupump appointed sole agent for the Price Pump Air Operated Double Diaphragm Pumps
Instrupump, a division of Air & Vacuum Technologies (Pty) Ltd has recently been appointed as the sole agent for the Price Pump range of Air Operated Double Dia- phragm Pumps (AOD Pumps) for South Africa & Southern Africa. For over 25 years, Price Pumps has been India’s largest manufacturer of AOD pumps, providing industry experts with very reliable pumps for specific purposes. These pumps are self-priming, can handle viscous and abrasive products as well as being able to run dry with- out damage. Additionally, they do not employ costly motors, variable speed drives, by-pass plumbing or mechanical seals. There are literally thousands of applica- tions in which AOD pumps are used; Price Pumps will cover a large percentage of these applications with its standard range of pumps. With pump inlet/outlet sizes from ½” (12,7 mm) to 3” (7,62 cm) in materials of con- struction, ranging from cast iron, aluminium, stainless steel and plastics such as polypro- pylene and PVDF with Teflon diaphragms and balls. With pumping capacities from 23 L/pm up to 900 L/pm. ATEX certification can also be obtained for dangerous applications. The following industries are served by Price Pumps: automotive, aviation, bever- age, ceramics, chemical, construction, cos- metic, electronics, food, furniture, mining, municipalities, paints and coatings, pharma- ceutical, plating, pulp, paper, packaging, re- fineries, road tankers, shipbuilding, smelters,
foundries, dye casting, textile, carpets, water, sewage treatment and utility. New to the range is the Sanitary and Bio- pharmaceutical pump which offers a solution for various food, beverage, dairy, personal care and bio-pharmaceutical applications. This range has been engineered to meet the highest standards and requirements in the industry. They have the versatility required by users, safety built-in and the capability of efficiently pumping a wide range of viscosities, solids and shear sensitive products. They are offered with passivated stainless steel com- ponents, available in multiple sizes and with various surface finishes. Difficult applications where these units excel include, amongst others: sauces, pu- reesand beverages; poultry, fish and meat processes; bio-pharmaceuticals; chromatog- raphy, separation, purification; filter press feed pumps; process support; acids, solvents, caustic and alcohol; chemical injections and metering; and wastewater transfer. Air & Vacuum Technologies also sells a full range of vacuum pumps as well as laboratory equipment. For more information contact: 0861 VACTEC (822832) or email: to ask for a quote.
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