Chemical Technology April 2016

Extendable multi-port valve blocks by GEMÜ port valve blocks are generally produced by machining from a solid block of plastic material. They can also fulfill safety

Lightweight, taking up less space, quick to fit and multipurpose – these requirements are becoming increasingly important for system components. Complex control of liquids and gases are generally carried out by means of numerous individual valves. These are con- nected to one another by similar numbers of fittings and piping. This unfortunately takes up a lot of space and assembly is time-consuming because of the much higher number of individual parts. Also, every assembly point and pipe connec- tion is a potential leak, which increases the safety risk. Compact plastic multi-port valve blocks are the ideal components here. They can perform various functions while saving space. GEMÜ’s experience with producing thousands of versions within the pharma- ceutical industry is now being transferred to plastic multi-port valve blocks for other industrial sectors. The bodies of plastic multi-port valves are made as standard of PVC-U, PP, PP natu- ral, PVDF, PEEK and PTFE but designs are also possible using other materials. Multi-



functions, double shut-off (double block and bleed), cross

connections and control functions. These individual functions serve very specific purposes in individual situations, such as the taking of samples, the distribution of chemicals, the connection of cleaning me- dia (CIP) and ensuring a minimum flow rate. There are also numerous more complex functions in connection with process auto- mation. Pressure or temperature sensors can be integrated for example. Intelligently designed, multi-port valve blocks can be de- veloped into compact system components with a high degree of functionality. Automated detergent dosing installa- tions provide industrial laundries with flex- ibility, allowing them to adjust the required detergent composition individually to each specific cleaning program. Depending on the hardness of the water and the type and level of soiling, the cleaning agents,

special additives and care products can be dosed to match the type of textile being washed. The use of GEMÜ multi-port valve blocks allows the number of pumps, hoses and fittings to be kept to a minimum on modern dosing instal- lations. Here, only one pump is required per medium and multiple washing machines can be supplied with one dosing installa- tion. Fewer welded and solvent cemented joints improve plant reliability because fewer leaks can occur as a result. Quick and easy assembly of the customized units also reduces the assembly time required and saves costs. For more information contact: Claudio Darpin, GEMÜ Valves Africa at


Chemical Technology • April 2016

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