Chemical Technology April 2016
World Water Day celebrated at Alexandra
this year’s celebration. We feel the values of developing children from an early age for the labour market is a commendable effort,” explains Heinrich Louw, marketing manager – Middle East and Africa. “If we can contribute to engendering a culture of water conservation at an early age, we are happy to be involved.” This year Xylem Staff painted walls in the centre that lead into the ECD Centre at the Alexandra-centre in blackboard paint and drew child-friendly, water-related themes on the painted walls. The children will see these images every day and draw new ones of their own, reinforcing the message of water conservation. For more information contact : Werner Botes on: +27 72 578 5831; email:; or go to For more information on Afrika Tikkun and Afrika Tikkun Services; please visit:
Africa identified areas where youth could be made aware of water as a scarce resource and to identify areas where youth could enter the labour force with a career in the water industry. The company found an ideal partner in Afrika Tikkun (AT) and its sustainability arm; Afrika Tikkun Services (ATS) in terms of its global social development initiative; XylemWatermark. The teamat Afrika Tikkun employs a cradle-to-career model which in- vests in the development of disadvantaged children from early infancy through young adulthood and into the world of work. This model is then taken further by Afrika Tikkun Services – a for-profit company that aligns with corporate partners as their supplier of choice for placement of skilled youth from under resourced communities. This year’s World Water Day activity was the second consecutive year Xylem Water Solutions South Africa, partnered with Afrika Tikkun for World Water Day. “After last year’s enormous success; we decided to work with them again for
Xylem Water Solutions South Africa cel- ebrated World Water Day and South African Water Week in conjunction with Afrika Tik- kun and Afrika Tikkun Services at its Phuta- ditjaba Community Centre in Alexandra on the 22nd of March this year. The team at Xylem hosted an educational theatre show for the pre-schoolers at the centre – teach- ing them about water conservation in a fun and educational manner, while decorating walls leading into the crèche at the centre with colourful blackboard-art. World Water Day is an annual initiative rolled out in 1993 by the United Nations whereby global awareness of water as a scarce resource is raised and addressed. Participants from all over the world find innovative ways to address fresh water challenges in the neediest of areas. The secretary general of the United Nations (UN); Ban Ki-Moon summarises the leitmotif behind the initiative: “To address the many challenges related to water, we must work in a spirit of urgent cooperation, open to new ideas and innovation, and prepared to
share the solutions that we all need for a sustainable future.” Each year sees the UN announcing an official theme for World Water Day. This year’s theme is Water and Jobs. Us- ing this theme as a guideline; Xylem Wa- ter Solutions South
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Chemical Technology • April 2016
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