Chemical Technology July 2016
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12 Focus on water treatment
PLANT MAINTENANCE, SAFETY, HEALTH AND QUALITY 14 Talking turbine testing This article discusses a variety of turbine sample tests: how they are conducted, and what information they provide. The test results enable the best remedial action to be taken for the component in question, in turn boosting the reliability of the turbine by maintaining the oil (which is often a large financial investment) in peak operating condition. by John Evans, diagnostic manager, Wearcheck, South Africa 19 Focus on plant maintenance, safety, health and quality CONTROL AND INSTRUMENTATION 23 Water is our life Water is a vital resource requiring careful management throughout the process. Endress+Hauser assists with technical and process support having expert experience and knowledge of the standards within the water and wastewater industry. Furthermore, Endress+Hauser offers high-quality solutions that will increase plant efficiency and optimise operational costs.
29 Et cetera
30 SAIChE IChemE Spotlight
31 SAIChE IChemE News
32 Sudoku 116/Solution to Sudoku 115
Transparency You Can See Average circulation (Q1 Jan – Mar 2016) 3 630
COVER STORY 2 A matter of frequency: The benefits of 80 GHz radar in level measurement applications Two of the process control industry’s most recognisable names recently announced plans to launch 80 GHz radar instruments for liquid level measurement.This development signals a brave new world in level measurement, one where radar can go where it has never gone before. NANOTECHNOLOGY 5 #Brexit and the impact on research and technology for the world The difference between last year and next year can be
Chemical Technology is endorsed by The South African Institution of Chemical Engineers
life-changing. by Gavin Chait
26 Focus on control and instrumentation
7 Focus on nanotechnology
and the Southern African Association of Energy Efficiency
WATER TREATMENT 8 Water, sanitation and hygiene
This article reflects on the role of water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) in achieving sustainable development, and outlines key challenges that need to be addressed in order to achieve and sustain universal coverage. by Robert Bain, Richard Johnston, Cecilia Scharp, Rifat Hossain, Bruce Gordon and Sanjay Wijesekera all of either UNICEF or WHO
DISCLAIMER The views expressed in this journal are not neces- sarily those of the editor or the publisher. Generic images courtesy of
Chemical Technology • July 2016
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