Chemical Technology November-December 2016
PETROCHEMICALS 15 Cummins – Developing new products and technologies worldwide The quality and cleanliness of fuel is a major factor that contributes to the performance of diesel engines and
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components. Contaminated fuel leads to higher maintenance costs and engine downtime, thus good fuel filtration is vital for engine performance. ‘ChemTech’ discusses some of the recent offerings from Cummins, designer and manufacturer of power generation equipment, power systems, gasoline engines, and custom power supplies.
5 Chemical Engineering Matters
26 Book review
Transparency You Can See Average circulation (Q2 Apr – Jun 2016) 3 621
30 Et cetera
18 Focus on petrochemicals
31 Spotlight on SAIChE IChemE
CONTROL AND INSTRUMENTATION 22 Environmental monitoring in the rain forest of Costa Rica To better understand the impact of the emission of green house gases on the environment, researchers are conducting a study at La Selva Biological Station in the Costa Rican rain forest to measure the exchange of CO 2 (also known as the carbon flux) and other materials between the forest floor and the atmosphere. by Dr William Kaiser, Department of Electrical Engineering, UCLA and Dr Philip Rundel, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, UCLA, Los Angeles, California FILTRATION AND SEPARATION 28 Production of berry puree – Some unit operations and processes involved The production of berries for food processing has been steadily growing, indicating a growing demand for value-added berry fruit products. This article reviews some of the major unit operations and processing parameters involved in the production of high quality berry purees. by Samriddh Mudgal, Food Engineer Liquid Food Solutions, Danny Milla, R&D Manager Liquid Food Solutions, and Greg W Schrader Director of Integration and Technology Advancement Liquid Food Solutions, all of JBT. 25 Focus on control and instrumentation
32 Sudoku No 121 and solution to No 120
Chemical Technology is endorsed by The South African Institution of Chemical Engineers
PUMPS AND VALVES 6 A clear signal: PumpMeter optimises fluid handling in the life sciences industry Whether a pump is running in its optimum operating range is difficult to judge from the outside. Although vibrations or unusual noise levels are an indicator for irregularities, for a long time we did not know exactly what was happening inside a pump. by Christoph P Pauly, KSB Aktiengesellschaft, Frankenthal, Germany SAFETY AND HEALTH 12 Initiatives in the management of chemicals in the chemical industry Chemicals are an integral part of our natural and urban environments. Their contribution to society is invaluable, but unless we manage them well they can cause harm to humans and the environment. 10 Focus on pumps and valves
and the Southern African Association of Energy Efficiency
DISCLAIMER The views expressed in this journal are not neces- sarily those of the editor or the publisher. Generic images courtesy of
Compiled from edited extracts from the document GDFCI/2013 prepared by the International Labour Organization: Sectoral Activities Department, Geneva
Chemical Technology • November/December 2016
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