Chemical Technology October 2015
A conference like no other Theupcoming EuropeanCoatings Conference dedicated to Anticorrosive coatings on3and4 November 2015 in Düsseldorf, Germany, will feature a newly designed hands-on practice session that will reveal insights into coatings raw material development. Learn about the latest developments of anti-corrosive alloys during the conference and find out which treatment fulfils your needs best; whether anti-corrosion pig- ments or special fillers are the right choice; if the right polymer backbone is the better alternative; or if nanotechnology can prevent future damages. Included in the conference is a 2-hour short course presented by Dr Ulrich Christ, of IPA, Germany, that will convey the prin- ciples of anticorrosive coatings, such as: Basic know-how on corrosion; Wrap up on corrosion protection systems; Status quo on coatings technologies; and Trend and outlook on what’s changing in this coatings system. Profit from the gathered expertise and ask the audience about market trends, technology developments and experience with specific additives. Your questions will be answered instantly by the audience of the conference via a polling system. Use
crowd intelligence to expand your knowledge. Other presentations include: • High performance water-based anticorrosion coatings without active pigments - A paradigm shift? by Guido Möllenbeck, Alberdingk Boley, Germany • Optimizing formulation with Zinc-free anticorrosive pig- ments by Fabiana Requeijo, Nubiola, Spain • Insights in practical milestones of gaining Cr-free primer on EG and HDG steel with corrosion inhibitors by Dr Jürgen Ott, Heubach, Germany. Tutorials with practical applica-
All this and more will be available at the conference.
tions and individual problem-solving will cover chemical resistant boosters; How to choose the right mica for corrosion preven- tion; Reducing a layer, gaining a better epoxy anticorrosive coating; Optimising flow char- acteristics of high build anticorrosive prim- ers; Economical protection with waterborne epoxy-amine; and, A non-biocidal coating approach to the prevention of fouling and microbial induced corrosion.
For more information go to http://www.euro- ings-CONFERENCE-Anticorrosive-coatings/ Conference-schedule or contact Matthias Janz on tel: +49 511 9910-273 or email
Chemical Technology • October 2015
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