Chemical Technology October 2015
Contents REGULAR FEATURES 3 Comment by Carl Schonborn, PrEng 36 SAIChE IChemE news 36 Sudoku 110/Solution to Sudoku 109 COVER STORY 4 Organic fingerprinting using Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry Editor of ‘Chemical Technology’, Glynnis Koch, recently paid a visit to ERWAT Laboratory Services, a SANAS 17025 accredited laboratory, to talk to Denver Karshagen, GC-MS chemist in charge of the specialist laboratory for organic water and soil analysis. CORROSION & COATINGS 6 Development of novel corrosion techniques for a green environment Conventional anti-corrosion techniques have traditionally paid no regard to the greenhouse effect. Work on eco-friendly anti- corrosion techniques is scanty and largely proprietary. The innovative techniques discussed in this article provide direction to corrosion scientists, engineers, and environmentalists concerned about the increasing contamination of the planet and about endeavouring to maintain a green environment. by Zaki Ahmad and Faheemuddin Patel, Mechanical Engineering Department, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM), Dhahran, Saudi Arabia PUMPS & VALVES 14 Adapting valve designs to meet industry’s exacting requirements Hygienic diaphragm valves are needed for a wide variety of applications in the pharmaceutical and biotech sector. Having paved the way for reliable aseptic production with its unique design years ago, the SISTO-C series is continually adapted to meet industry’s increasingly stringent requirements. by Bryan Orchard 12 Focus on corrosion & coatings
18 Pump selection and application guidelines – Part 2 A standard set of considerations and best industry practices that Rotating Equipment Engineers apply in the selection of various types of pumps and their auxiliaries, is described. Typical services and limiting operating conditions of centrifugal and positive displacement pumps are included to aid in the selection process. Part 1 appeared in the August 2015 issue. by Neetin Ghaisas, ME, PEng, Director of Design Engineering and Rotating Equipment Group Leader at Fluor Canada, Calgary, Alberta, Canada WASTE MANAGEMENT 24 Precious metals in automotive technology: an unsolvable depletion problem? Precious metal scarcity is a critical factor that may determine the future development of road transportation in the world. The authors state that we must explore new technologies for road transportation, concluding that the clean engine of the future will most likely be electric and powered by batteries. by Ugo Bardi, Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Università di Firenze, Italy and Stefano Caporali, Dipartimento di Chimica, Università di Firenze, Italy and Consorzio Interuniversitario Nazionale per la Scienza e Tecnologia dei Materiali, Firenze, Italy 21 Focus on pumps & valves
Transparency You Can See Average circulation (April – June 2015) 3 672
Chemical Technology is endorsed by The South African Institution of Chemical Engineers
29 Focus on waste management
PLANT MAINTENANCE, SAFETY, HEALTH & QUALITY 30 Simplifying remote asset management with IP
and the Southern African Association of Energy Efficiency
From oil well heads drilled into Arctic tundra to pumping stations far beyond the walls of water treatment plants, Internet Protocol (IP) technology is driving down the cost and complexity of monitoring remote operations while increasing critical data flows and improving cyber security. by David Bell, Consulting Solutions Architect, Cisco, California, USA
DISCLAIMER The views expressed in this journal are not neces- sarily those of the editor or the publisher. Generic images courtesy of
33 Focus on plant maintenance, safety, health & quality
Chemical Technology • October 2015
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