Chemical Technology October 2015
The SAIChE IChemE AGM was held on July 22, 2015 in Rosebank, Gauteng. The president, Dawie van Vuuren, opened the meeting and welcomed everyone. Minutes from the last AGM, and the financial state- ments were circulated. Introductions of the council members and attendees took place. In attendance was Rodney Jones (current president of SAIMM–South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy) and Louis Mielke (who launched and guided the Small Ton- nage Interest Group of the South African Institution of Chemical Engineers). Dawie van Vuuren gave his president’s re- port highlighting the transition from SAIChE to SAIChE IChemE and the harmonisation of the membership grades with that of IChemE. The Western Cape (WC) member group is now active, and the 2017 SAIChE IChemE conference will be held in the WC. SAIChE IChemE will focus on Pr (Eng) devel- opment, as well as building relationships with the other institutions in South Africa, such as SAIMM. Council voted unanimously to accept the invitation from the WCCE (World Congress of Chemical Engineering) to host an interim international WCCE conference in 2019 in South Africa. The AGM concluded with the treasurer (Lizelle van Dyk) presenting the financial statements for 2013 and 2014. In line with IChemE, SAIChE IChemE’s financial year has been changed to run from January to December each year. A question and answer session took place following the reports. Member D Hill commented that he looks forward to the col- laboration between SAIChE and IChemE. A question was raised if it is compulsory to join
Dawie van Vuuren (SAIChE IChemE President) and Rodney Jones (SAIMM President)
IChemE would like to thank its members for attending, and hope to see them at the next AGM in 2016. In the meantime, please do participate in your local branch activities.
ECSA (Engineering Council of South Africa). Currently members are encouraged to join ECSA as it is mandated to protect society and the environment, and we as members need to fall in line with it. The evening ended off with snacks and networking between members. SAIChE
Written by Michelle Low and Dawie van Vuuren on behalf of SAIChE IChemE Council
Complete the grid so that every row across, every column down and every 3x3 box is filled with the numbers 1 to 9. That’s all there is to it! No mathematics are involved. The grid has numbers, but nothing has to add up to anything else. You solve the puzzle with reasoning and logic. For an introduction to Sudoku see http:// wiki/Sudoku SUDOKU NO. 110 Chemical Technology is the only publication in Africa for chemical engineers focusing on all unit operations in a comprehensive way
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Solution for SUDOKU 109
Chemical Technology • October 2015
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