Construction World April 2018
SOLUTION for any building
Six times faster Thanks to its standardised shape and light structure, Acotec panels can be installed up to 90 m 2 /d by two workers of simple wall, average being 50 m 2 /d. Even in comparison to block partitions, Acotec installation is up to three times faster. “Acotec is a very cost-effective solution. It is always 60 cm wide, and as high as required for each individual application. Installation is easy: Acotec element is simply lifted into an upright position, and elements are cemented together to the floor and to the ceiling. The ceiling joints are sealed with urethane,” Eilola explains. The panels are bound together with high quality Tilefix joint glue. The next work stages are also swiftly completed as the panel surface is smooth. There is thus no need for any thick plastering, a thin putty will be quite enough. Profitable, easy to install, simple to run Elematic Acotec production line for manufacturing of light, non- load bearing, room-high precast partition wall panels are quick and simple to install, run and maintain and requires only very limited land area. The Acotec line comes in three choices – SEMI, PRO and EDGE – which differ by the degree of automation and capacity. Elematic Acotec lines cover the entire panel production process from concrete batching all the way to storage yard management and beyond. They are automated and very reliable as they consist of proven, standard components. Three technology levels The SEMI line, with a production capacity of 80 m 2 per hour, is the simplest of three and is an excellent choice for anyone starting up in the business. It features automation only for the key processes. The PRO line offers a higher capacity of 100 m 2 per hour with automated functions for all main processes: sawing, trimming, stacking, restacking, cleaning & oiling, plate handling and pallet circulation. The fully-automatic Acotec EDGE offers a top-rate capacity of 120 m 2 per hour and needs only two operators to run. All the lines feature an advanced production
A cotec is made from Leca or concrete, ensuring great resistance against moisture and temperature differences while also damp- ening sounds from elsewhere in the building. “Acotec can be used in practically any application. Thanks to the innovative manufacturing method, the length and thickness of the wall can be adjusted on the production line in accordance with the application and the construction requirements. For example, the thicker the wall is, the better its fire resistance properties. Increase in the thickness can result in up to 120 minutes of fire resistance. This is a vital quality in places such as senior homes and hospitals, where evacuation takes longer,” says Jani Eilola, Product Director at Elematic. A thicker wall also helps dampen sounds from other rooms and apartments. “The less noise you can hear from other apartments, the more comfortable living is. The engineering and utility rooms in hospitals and office buildings are often full of noisy equipment, so the sound insulation of the partition walls has to be good. Acotec has the perfect solution for this,” Eilola continues. “Because Acotec is made from stone, it won’t rot, become moldy or deteriorate in other manners like wood and gypsum boards do. Thus, it can be used even in wet rooms. For the same reason it is not susceptible to attacks by vermin and withstands the turns of the seasons,” Eilola explains. Acotec is the first quick-to-install non-load bearing precast partition wall element that can be used around the world in residential buildings, on public premises – such as hospitals, schools, and service flats – in warehouses and as security fences and noise barriers.
control system and a simple, modern user interface that shows detailed data on every function in the whole process. Various reports – on production rate, running hours and more – are generated automatically. Modular structure of the lines and their integrated electricity with ETHERCAT bus system guarantee short installation and start up time of all lines, and the line can also be installed in existing production facilities. The production process is environmentally friendly as it is silent and non-vibrating, and the raw material can be recycled so no waste is created. Low energy consumption of the line keeps the production costs on a low level as well. Up to grade 30 Elematic production line also features an innovative Atrex crushing mixer which enables the use of lightweight aggregate up to grade 30 as raw material. This comes in handy as Leca is manufactured worldwide from natural materials and therefore the particles vary slightly from country to country.
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